Phone Call From Zupko


I was in the middle of reviewing Thomas Zupko’s latest project “Opera” when I got a phone call. Now late night calls at the Casa De Pipe are pretty rare these days and I was expecting a screaming rant from an actress I called “chubby” or a director who was tired of getting “6+’s.” Instead it was Zupko, checking up to make sure the advanced screener copies got to everyone.

Zupko promises that “Opera” is just the first wave in a revolution that will shake the very foundations of porn as we know it. In his usual cryptic manner, Zupko promised that something big was coming, something that is going to “kick everyone in the ass and wake this industry up.” He wouldn’t be any more specific than that, but made it clear that his four months of self-imposed cellar dwelling as he completed “Opera” did not dull his sense of humor or his knack for dropping something quotable into every conversation.

“There are a lot of people out there who feel that they have the right to tell us what we can say or what we can watch. Those people spend too much time slow dancing by the moonlight with cub scouts. For those people, it’s war baby.

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