Cindi’s BB11 Update: With All the Sexy Stuff

Cindi’s BB11 Update

We Are Both Addicts

Cindi from offers us another great write up of my favorite time wasting summer show.

Thanks for the use of this great stuff Cin.


Thurs episode of BB ended with all the HGs spinning around on rope swings in the HOH competition.
On the live feed you could watch the whole competition which lasted over three hours. Now that the Sunday show has been broadcast you know that Russel won HOH.
I will tell you that three hours of watching people spin around sounds pretty boring. It actually wasn’t. Soon after they started spinning people started throwing up. Puking and spinning at the same time. And once one person started, more started gagging until I believe 5 HGs were spewing at the same time. Gross, funny & sad all at the same time. Jeff couldn’t help but laugh at Jordan because she threw up whole noodles.
You might think that throwing up was the worst part, but it wasn’t . Falling off the swing was, because you fell in the… (gag, cough, gag) ewwwwwwww!
The “secret power” that Julie was talking about obviously isn’t a very big secret to the HGs. The minute the TV show was over, Ronny started talking about the coup d’état. I don’t know about how he knew about it, unless it was used on a previous season ( which I don’t remember it being) or the HGs get a book outlining all the possibilities in the game that they read in sequester. But there is already mucho speculation as to who will get the coup d’état power. The two names being mentioned most are Ronny & Jordan. I pers onally voted for Jordan. I would like to give her a chance at revenge for being lied to, made to eat slop and being put on the block twice in a row, all while keeping her happy temperament.
As you all seem to like the sexual stuff you miss by not having the live feed , Chima is hating on Lydia now because she thinks Lydia is a whore and will do anything to kiss up to the HOH. Lydia did crawl in bed with Russel soon after he won HOH, and of course schmoozed him and flirted with him. Chima has been having fits of jealousy over Lydia, when she sees Lydia leaving his room.
Chima accused Lydia of blowing anyone she could, and doing anything she could to get in good with the HOH. She said this in front of Jessie & Russel. Jessie tried to change the subject, because we all know ( but none of the HGs know that Lydia already gave a BJ to Jessie.) Also someone said “What would Lydia do if there was a girl HOH?” And Chima thought Lydia would have sex with them also…
Chima and Russel have been flirting like mad, until yesterday. There was some kind of competition and two outsiders were in the house during it. Russel flirted with the the outsider girl, and Chima kept teasing him about it. Russel got pissed and they had an argument. They have been talking about each other since then, but not talking TO each other.
Michele & Russel spent some quality=2 0time talking in the HOH room and they seem to have come to an alliance of sorts. Both revealed truths to the other that no one else in the house knows. (That Michele is has a Doctorate, and that Russel voted to keep Casey)
Russel has kept up that he wants Ronny to leave, and I hope he is telling the truth. I can’t STAND Ronny. He is a condescending doofy looking prick!

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