Rog Blog: Happy St. Patrick’s Day


Rog Blog

More Celeb Stuff and a new interview.

Happy St. Patty’s Day: By the time I get this up it will be almost or already St. Patrick’s Day. I’ve got a little Irish in the family tree so I’ll break out my Celtics gear to give the green its due. I hope you all find a way to celebrate that is safe, sane and in the spirit of the holiday. Meaning of course, you should all get totally shit faced, but have someone sober to drive you home.

Eye Candy: Green felt counts as holiday spirit, right? Casey Parker and her girlfriend in the mood for something hot on the pool table. Told you I was going to overdue it with the Casey galleries.

America is Stupid: I know that a lot of people are on the Americans are stupid band wagon, but we finally have proof. (I realize the irony of going from that sentence to the one that follows, but I’ll risk it.) I can’t believe that Sanjaya Malakar is still around on American Idol. How on earth is this little dweep still around? He can’t sing, has the stage presence of William Hung and the charisma of an un-showered Ed Powers in a thong. It has become a weekly march of death for whatever more talented singer has to be put up against this little twit. I realize that there is always at least one non-threatening ethnic dude who makes it with the teen girls, but come on. Antonella was bad and has a better chance of being a porn queen that a pop princess, but she sang circles around this little freak. I keep hoping that one of the people who gets booted will grab the mike for that closet case of a host and scream into the camera. “Are you fucking nuts! This guy! I lost to Sanjaya? Are you fucking listening? You’re all fucking stupid.” Now THAT would be great TV.

Eye Candy: Yes, Sanjaya is a big tool with no talent. If you want a big tool with talent…..Check out Lex Steele Laying the Wood to Katsumi.

Celebrity Stupidity #2: It almost seem unfair to pile on Rosie these days. She has become such a train wreck that her career has become a daily YouTube moment. In addition to her ongoing fight with The Donald and her constant disrespect of her co-hosts, now she’s dropped the big one on us. Poor Rosie is suffering from depression and it started right after Columbine. Ever since then she has struggled and finds solace in “inversion therapy.” For those of you who don’t understand, she basically hangs upside down to make her pain go away. I honestly don’t know where to start. A woman who has made it a daily act to poke fun at everyone for every shortcoming, real or imagined gives us this whopper. She’s SO upset by Columbine that she slipped into depression? Come on. That was a horrible event and none of us will ever forget, but Rosie, sweetheart, people get killed every day. If you were sent into a fits of depression over those kids in Colorado, then how do you feel every day watching the footage from Darphor? Perhaps a little perspective is order? Perhaps you might want to think twice the next time you make fun of Britney or Paris. Why? Because you just told us all that you get over depression by hanging upside down. (Lovely visual by the way.) Ro, the crazy train is pulling out of the station and it’s ready to drag the sorry-ass carcass of your career with it.

Eye Candy: When it comes to eye candy, it is tough to beat Teagan Presley showing off her perfect little ass.

Celebrity News That Isn’t Bad: Not all celebrity news this week is bad. Some of it is actually pretty sexy. After hearing about it for a month, Vivid has finally released that Kim Kardashian Sex Tape is ready to hit the streets. My copy is on order so if you want to wait for the review, it should be up pretty soon. Otherwise, just order is and enjoy the fact that hanging out with Paris Hilton can make you just vacuous enough to go the celebriporn route. Hooray for pseudo-celbs getting naked and fucked.

Eye Candy: Kim is pretty damn hot, but is she Teagan hot? Here is the awesome Ms. P in an early Anabolic scene. Enjoy.

New Interview: I’ve added an Interview with Miko Sinz to the site. There is a link on the interview page to the audio interview as well. If you listen to the interview, I would love to hear whatever feedback you have. I’m still working on this stuff so I hope you enjoy it. You know I did. How can I be that close to a woman this beautiful and not enjoy the hell out of it?

Eye Candy: Speaking of Miko Sinz, here is a gallery from one of her first scenes.

Fantasy Baseball: We filled up the Head to Head league and our draft is this Sunday. My Aurora Snow-Storm team will be ready to take on the nine other teams, kick ass and take names all summer. There are still a few slots left in the Roto league. Drop me a line soon if you’re interested. I would like to fill that one up and get to drafting. Be ready for a lot of fun trash talk for a few months.

Eye Candy: And a final piece of eye candy for today. Enjoy your Black Cocks Tiny Teens.

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