Rog Blog: Vegas Night 1, AVN Awards & Reader Email


Rog Blog: More Vegas, Reader Email

Nightlife in Vegas, AVN Winner Reaction & a Letter about LT More Vegas Stuff: I actually did a little more at night in Vegas than usual. Never much of a party guy, I only hit one of those, but I did more Circle Bar lingering than usual. When I got in on Tuesday night, it was already close to ten, so I barely had enough time to put down my stuff and hit the CB. I met up with Jeff from and started in on some beer. We were enjoying a few drinks when I got a call from who wanted me to meet the new Digital Playground contract girls. He had Lacie Heart, Sophia Santi and the amazing Shay Jordan. It was pretty hard to concentrate on anything once I got a look at these three gorgeous creatures. Sophia didn’t have much to say, Shay was charming and Lacie did what so many porn girls do. She introduced herself by saying “you’re the guy who trashes my movies.” For the record, I don’t trash her movies, and I think she knew that. The movie she was talking about was and it got a B-. Come on Lacie, I can do better than that if I want to trash someone. (Ahem, Valentina) It became a running thing between the two of us and she would tell everyone who walked by that it was my job “to rip people.” Shay was much more friendly and after a few minutes we already decided that she wanted me to father her children in a few years. (Because of the beautiful results I could show her, NOT because of any overwhelming desire on her part to actually let me stick my dick in her.) Jeff and his friends were on Jersey time so they headed out pretty early. Robby took the girls up soon after and I ended up talking with Scott Nails for quite a while. I didn’t realize he was only 24. It’s kind of a rare thing for someone to be as established in this business (as male talent) at such a young age. He isn’t much of an internet guy and wasn’t even aware that he was nominated for the RRCC. I went over the list of nominees and ranked himself somewhere in the top four or five guys. Scott and Lacie are together so he was on his best behavior for the most part. After a few Red Bull & Vodkas, which I had never tried before, Scott did try to convince me to shove my finger up Eva Angelina’s asshole. Apparently she wanted him to be the guy to do her ass on her web site and Scott needed someone to try it out. I’m an old fashioned guy and I figure if I am going to stick my finger into a girl’s ass in the middle of a crowded casino, she has to the one who asks. I may not have done the finger thing, but I did make sure that Eva wasn’t wearing panties and I have to say that she has very smooth skin on her thighs, ass and on those beautiful lower lips. How does one top groping a smiling Eva? In my case one does it by lying in bed until four AM because the fucking Red Bull overpowered the vodka and kept me awake. Welcome to Las Vegas Rog. Day 2, tomorrow

Eye Candy: When it comes to porn, sometimes it is the simple stuff that really works. Check out this gallery from Just sluts indeed.

AVN Awards: I was on a plane home before the AVN Awards Saturday night so I didn’t get a chance to check out the winners until I got back. Now I’ve got them up and I’m working on a whole piece devoted just to that subject. Not to give anything away, but there are a few quick notes for those who haven’t seen the results yet. Starting right at the top, Hillary Scott shocked no one by capturing the Female Performer of the Year award. She had a great year sexually and did two really excellent acting jobs in Britney Rears 3 and Corruption. Tommy Gunn walked away with the Best Male Performer award. That may be a bit more of a surprise, but certainly wasn’t that big of an upset. I was shocked and totally excited to see that Mika Tan won as the Most Underrated Starlet of the Year. Naming Jim Powers as the Director of the Year was a great move. For years, I’ve said that Powers is the most underrated director in the business. More on that later, but good for him. Arch-enemies Jules Jordan and Robby D Split the Vignette categories with Jules taking one home for Jenna Haze Darkside and Robby winning for vignette series for his Jack’s Playground movies. I’m not sure that either Darkside of Jack’s Playground really belong in the vignette category. I’m still trying to figure out which AVN voters actually picked Neu Wave Hookers as Best All Sex Release. Did someone miss a memo? That movie was the single biggest piece of crap Porn Valley put out last year. Yikes.

Eye Candy: One of my favorite new girls at the show was Whitney Stevens and she’s looking great here.

Reader Email: I’ve got a few emails about the whole LT/Media thing. Here is the best of the lot.

Christopher Writes:


hey man! I have been faithfully following your site for a number of years now, and I want to commend you on how well you run your site and that I enjoy your pipelines and blogs. love the porn, too.

I read your comments bout LT and the pats/chargers game and I couldn’t help but pass along to you my thoughts.

I live in sunny Scottsdale AZ right now, but I was born and raised in Boston. Thus I am a huge patriots fan. I was in New Orleans for a bachelor party this past weekend when I watched the incredible game. now as much as I was rooting for the pats, they were getting completely dominated for most of the game (except the 2-minute drill at the end of the 1st half). I thought they didn’t have a prayer, but they pulled off some plays and got lucky in others, and ultimately won the game. couldn’t believe it.

Now I don’t think the cameras showed the pats players celebrating at midfield or how they were celebrating. I just saw LT pissed off and then heard his comments afterwards.

1. pats players should be able to celebrate. it was a huge game and a huge win. anyone would.

2. were they doing it to humiliate the charger players? I don’t really think so. they had a chip on their shoulders and they expressed their elation, it happens in sports all the time.

3. I’m glad to see LT show emotion and passion and get pissed.

4. people are on him because he has NEVER shown any kind of emotion (positive or negative) of that sort in his CAREER (nevermind during his record-setting season) The fact that a negative connotation can be put on his actions amplifies everything.

most importantly…

5. LT has every right to be angry, but he did cross the line in his remarks towards Belichick. The coach had NOTHING to do with what happened on the field after the game. NOTHING. you can’t blame him for a few guys acting out in the spur of the moment. it happens in every sport. Belichick is a world-class coach who will be the NFL hall of fame some day. he didn’t get to where he is right now with bullshit tactics or antics. you can’t blame him or call him classless.

I think your comments were a little strong in describing the patriot players and their actions. I know its your blog and you can say what you want, and I want you to say what you want – and how you want.

I just couldn’t be silent. The patriots, over the last 5 years, have been a very classy franchise. They have represented the NFL very well as champions 3 of the last 5 years. It’s a game, it’s a business, and overall, there are not many bad things you can say about the Patriots.

Could I deal without the stupid celebrations (even of my beloved team)? YES. Should Tomlinson be upset? YES…. BUT TO AN EXTENT.

classless? give me a break. NO WAY. you can’t control every players emotions and actions, nor every little thing that happens along the way.

thanks for your time Rog. love the website. looking forward to the Red Sox/Angels games in August in CA.


Rog Replies:

Thanks for writing Christopher. I really appreciate all of the kind words and thoughts. I completely respect everything you said, but have a few comments to add. Remember of course that I’m a Boston fan here in SoCal and have had to defend my fellow fans numerous times. To your points

1. Of course they have a right to celebrate, but there is a line and everyone knows it. To run to the center of an opponents’ home field and mock one of their players is over that line. Players jumping around and celebrating is different than the sort of classless behavior SOME of the Patriots engaged in. The truly classy players on that team were the ones trying to shake hands while LT rushed to get at the dickheads who were acting like six year olds.

2. Have to disagree. You run to the center of the field and mock a specific player’s celebration dance, that’s intended to humiliate. Worse than that, they did it after the game. That makes it cowardly humiliation. When you do it in the middle of the game, then you have to face the music. When you do it after the game, then you can strut around the punk asses those particular players clearly are.

3. I am too, but I can’t believe that the dicks in the media are coming down on him like this. Remember, he didn’t call anyone names. I’m throwing that stuff up there. All he did was call a classless act “classless.” He was going after guys, but did he hit anyone? Did he launch into a profanity-filled tirade? No, he expressed his anger in a way that is far more restrained than most of us could ever be. People are shitting on him for that. They are haters and they are acting like haters. That’s what my profanity-laced tirade is all about. Fuck those people coming down on him like he did something wrong.

4. LT has shown plenty of emotion. Just because he doesn’t run around drawing attention to himself, doesn’t mean he doesn’t show emotion. He isn’t a cheap shot artist, he isn’t a show-boat and he isn’t a bad guy. People are acting like he’s TO and Ron Artest with a side of Mike Tyson. People are piling on him like he did or said something HORRIBLE. Remember, he said “It was classless and maybe that reflects on their coach.” He didn’t call the Patriots TEAM classless, he called the act classless. It was. He said “maybe” it reflects on their coach and MAYBE it does. Again, Belichick isn’t exactly a saint, right? Not the first time he has been at the center of this kind of thing. If LT had crossed the line and really attacked him maybe I would understand. But he didn’t and let’s keep track of that.

5. The coach has EVERYTHING to do with how his players acts ON the field. He sets the tone for everything and we all know that this would not have gone under some coaches. Bill hasn’t said word one about the classless punk-ass bit of show boating and hasn’t disciplined the players involved. That tells us that he at least condones such behavior at least and perhaps even encourages it. Even if he can’t control his players in the spur of the moment, he could act now, but he chooses not to. You CAN call him classless for that. You wouldn’t, LT didn’t and I would. It is our right to take any position we like on this. His coaching credentials aren’t at issue, but you can’t say that he has a spotless record on this kind of stuff. He’s a football coach and he says volumes in his silence.

You are right. My comments are strong, but like you, I just couldn’t be silent. People are trying to lynch LT like he went on a shooting spree or took a cheap shot at someone’s knees. He didn’t call the Patriots or their coach classless. The guy did that shit did it after the game and they didn’t even make a play. It is cheap showboating and the fact that the Pats are a modern dynasty makes it worse. They HAVE been there before and they have been all about class. That is what makes it so amazing that people are willing to give them a pass. You are totally right in saying that there aren’t many bad things you can say about them. But this time there is. Those players who did that should be called out for the kind of chicken shit stuff that would be front page news if TO did it. Did the Steelers of the 70’s or the 49’ers do that crap? Even the Johnson/Switzer Cowboys who were filled with bad guys didn’t do that. Why do these guys get a pass and LT gets a load of shit? Seems a bit odd to me.

So let’s be clear. A few Patriot players ran to the center of someone else’s field AFTER the game when they didn’t even make a play to celebrate and mocked the opposing team. They did so when they were safe from any in game play and acted as if they had never won a big game in their lives. If you don’t think that is “classless” then that is your right. I think it’s bullshit, candy ass crap that goes against everything the Pats have worked for. We disagree and I’m totally cool with that. I appreciate your input and though I certainly hope to see Peyton Manning celebrating on Sunday, I’ll call it classless if he runs to the middle of the field and acts like an assclown.

Sorry that this was pretty long, but I think after my own little tirade, I needed to make everything clear. Sadly no one is paying attention to the actual words used. Remember “it was a classless act and maybe that reflects on their coach.” That’s what LT said and for that, people are getting all pissed.

Let’s hook up in August for a beer before the Sox/Angels game. By that point the game should be meaningless for both teams and we can do competitive heckling to see who can diss his team the best. Thanks for writing.


Eye Candy: Whew, after all that, we really need the lighter side of football. How about a really Cute Cheerleader Gallery to take the edge off?

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