End of the Year Office Cleaning


To make room for Holiday gifts and houseguests, the offices at RogReviews Inc. have to be cleaned out. Before I throw up the stacks of reviewed videos and DVDs onto Ebay or dump them on the doorstep of my local video store, I figured I would ask anyone if they want to pick up some grab boxes.

I don’t have a list or anything, so I guess if you want some titles a grab-box is best. I can throw DVD or VHS or mix and do what I can to give you your favorites. I don’t generally do this, but it’s the end of the year and the stuff I have reviewed has really stacked up. I’m not even sure about a price for the boxes, but I just really want to move this stuff out. So drop me a line.

Someone suggested 10 vhs for 75 and 11 DVDs for 100, does that right? If not, let me know. I’d like to do this in one shot to clear out all of last year’s reviewed titles.

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