Did You Miss Me? A Day at the Polls


Guess Who’s Back?

Did Ya Miss Me?

OK so I was only gone for a day, but it was a long one. I worked the polls for the California primary election yesterday. It’s my ninth time doing this and it’s always a lot of fun. It’s also one hell of a long day. (6am to 9pm) with no real break. They put me in at a new polling location for the first time this year. It was also the smallest precinct I have ever worked (417 voters instead of around 1300) so it was pretty quiet. With a full twenty percent of voters doing mail in ballots were spent a lot of time sitting around waiting for people to show up.

This wasn’t exactly a hotly contested primary so turnout was pretty weak. We had a few propositions on the ballot and have elections this fall for Governor and US Senator. Normally that might bring in some serious voter turnout. Not this time though. The Democrats were basically running Boxer and Brown unopposed so very few of them bothered to show up. The Republicans were running a few people, but turnout was still only about fifteen percent for our little precinct.

It was an uneventful day which is always nice. The voters were happy, we had decent turn out and I lost a day’s work. Sorry for that. I will catch up tomorrow. Now I have to get some sleep a very long day.

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