Political: Good News From Gates, TV Viewers

Some Good News

Gates Gets it Right, So Does Olbermann’s Audience

OK most of my political rants these days have been negative so I’m really happy to report on a couple of really positive stories. Both show progress and a general movement in the right direction.

First comes word from Capitol Hill that Defense Secretary Robert Gates believes that the ridiculous “don’t ask/don’t tell” policy be lifted. This would essentially clear the path for homosexuals to openly serve in our military without fear of being removed from duty. Read More Here) Before I go off on a little positive rant, let me express my respect and understanding for those of you who don’t share my point of view on this issue. Some people have spiritual issues with homosexuality and others have more pragmatic reasons to oppose openly gay soldiers. I honestly respect your option, but I will have to vehemently (and respectfully) disagree. The time has come for us to get over this fear of whatever unease might be created in our military. If someone is willing to risk his or her life for our country, my freedom and the lives of my children then who that person love or sleeps with is none of my concern. They should be treated like every other soldier. If there is discomfort among other soldiers then we need to do what we can to educate our soldiers. If the Secretary believes that they can work through the discomfort, keep openly gay soldiers safe and that they will behave in a way that we all know they will then I think it’s time we make it happen. I don’t discount that some people have legitimate spiritual and moral obligations. I don’t think that someone’s sexuality overrides someone else’s spirituality, but that goes both ways. I don’t imagine that the policy will change any time soon, but the testimony of Secretary Gates represents a huge step in the right direction.

Along those same lines and as further evidence that things are moving in a good direction comes this story. (Read More Here) about the plummeting ratings currently being experienced by Keith Olbermann. The past year, he has lost 44% of his audience in the key demographic, allowing two smaller shows to nearly catch him while he has dropped to one third the viewers of that guy on Fox he has such a hard on for. This shouldn’t come as much of a shock to anyone, but apparently it does. Keith has long been a one trick pony and he hasn’t yet figured out how to shift gears. Again, not a surprise to those of who remember him as an arrogant local broadcaster who left an indelible mark around here Just listen to ANYONE in LA media talk about Keith. When everyone hates you, chances are you aren’t a nice guy. He left ESPN with hardly a friend in the world and stumbled onto the world of YouTube stardom by doing what everyone else was doing, piling on an unpopular president. Playing the annoying gnat card, he swiped at those bigger, better and more successful than himself and it worked for a while. The true test was to come when he no longer had a built in target and an choir to preach to. Keith was stuck in the same tough situation faced by all partisan commentators. When your guys are in charge and when they hold all of the cards, what do you do? You can either flip everything around and suddenly tell your audience that things are all rainbows and puppy dogs. Clearly that wouldn’t work. You can continue blaming all of the bad things on the last guy and the hopelessly outnumbered opposition. This is what Olberman has tried to do and the numbers would indicate that his own audience have grown tired of this act. Nearly half of them have done away, probably looking for something that is a little more in touch with reality. Of course the third option would be to roll with the punches, find a way to keep the show fresh with solid takes, a sense of humor and an ability to make entertaining TV. Since that option was clearly not available for Keith, he went with what he knew. Apparently whining and placing blame like it’s 2006 isn’t as popular with viewers as Keith had hoped. I guess he didn’t get the sort “change” he was looking for.


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