BB11: Update The Power Shifts

BB 11 Update: Power Shifts Hands

A New Alliance?

One of the things that I really love about Big Brother is that it really can change from episode to episode. Things can shift and really make it fun. That may have happened this week, or they may be just fucking with us. Either way, it made for good television.

First I have to repeat my favorite line, perhaps in BB history. “Go make Jessie a sandwich.” Casey, for that line alone you are my hero.

They did some reaction interviews with the cast members about the dissolution of the cliques. Nothing really stood out here save for two clips. First of all, Natalie can’t add. She seems to forget that although Jeff was cut of their alliance long ago, his safety still assured her own. Also, there was a clip that once again showed that there is nothing remotely likeable about Chima. Nothing at all.

The HOH competition was one of those that just makes you sick to watch. They all had to sit on round swings and hold on while being sprayed with water and battering against a giant diploma. The last one standing won HOH. The first five off got to choose presents. Kevin fell off first and got five grand for his efforts. I don’t think he tanked it, he just couldn’t hold on. Lydia was next. She announced that she was falling, but I don’t think she threw it either. She just knew she couldn’t compete and fell off. For her efforts she got a 42″ flat screen TV.

Jessie talked about holding it against both Kevin and Lydia because they weren’t playing hard enough. Kind of ironic since I doubt Jessie would have done well in this competition. Didn’t he just finish looking like a weak armed little bitch during the last challenge when he couldn’t swing on a rope as far as Michele or Jordan?
The spinning was getting to a few of the players including Natalie the sandwich maker. She started puking and that made me smile. Am I evil for enjoying watching her suffer?

Ronnie fell next and got nothing in his box. That’s a nice turn of events. Natalie followed suit and got the same in her box. Two in a row, things are looking good. Jordan held on for a long time, but was the last to receive a box. In it, she got a “have” pass and was allowed to choose three players to be “have nots” for the week. Oh please let her pick Jessie, Natalie and Ronnie.

Chima did really well, but finally fell. Thank goodness that is the last of Jessie’s evil inner circle. The power will have to shift somewhat this week. Michele was a surprise member of the final three, but eventually fell upside down and nearly lost her pants in the process.

Jeff and Russell began to bargain with both of them agreeing that Ronnie would be the target. Jeff cut a deal with Russell to save himself and Jordan. I hope Russell stays true to his word, but I have to wonder. The other houseguests didn’t seem too thrilled that a deal was cut and after some consideration, Russell gets the better end. Not only does he have the power, but he can assure his old alliance that he didn’t promise to get them out, only to protect Jeff and Jordan. Meanwhile the folks in the middle will know that Jeff put them in the line of fire to save Jordan.

Rather than going after people she didn’t like or picking off strong players, Jordan pulled names out of a hat to be “have nots.” (Wanna bet Jeff’s name wasn’t in there.) She is way too nice, but that’s one of the things I like about her. Kevin was picked, but so were Natalie (Who instantly chirped that she has a slop pass like a spoiled fifth grader) and Jessie who whined like a little bitch. Lydia called him on it. It’s funny how big tough Jessie is being verbally slapped around by everyone. He acts like it’s some sort of federal offense that he not be allowed to eat real food all week. Boo fucking hoo.

With Russell in charge the jocks (Jessie and Natalie) want to immediately throw Kevin and Lydia under the bus. They are skating along and Natalie doesn’t like it. Umm, sweetheart, other than carry Jessie’s luggage and make him sandwiches (I actually think Lydia does that, but Casey’s line is too perfect) what the hell have you done? Jessie and Natalie really do think they run the show and I think even Russell can see it.

Russell approached Jeff about partnering up. Something about it didn’t seem quite right, but it’s an interesting idea. Better to face Jordan and Jeff down the road than Jessie, Natalie, Ronnie and Chima.

Lydia made her trip up to the room and threw Jessie and Natalie right up the bus. It was awesome, but didn’t work. Russ immediately told the gruesome threesome of Nat, Chima and Jessie all about it. Jessie and Chima couldn’t talk shit fast enough. It’s funny to watch them scramble. They are both such weasels.

When it was finally time for nominations. Russell kept his word and spared Jeff and Jordan. He nominated Lydia and Ronnie. The plan is supposedly to get Ronnie, but who knows? He still has a chance to win the veto and who knows who will get the special power this week. If America votes to give it to Jessie or Ronnie I might just have to quit this season and sit it out.

For now though, things are looking very interesting.

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