Reader Email: Non-Porn Posts….Not So Bad?


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Reader Email: Non Porn Rant

Apparently My Rants Are an Acquired Taste

Just a little background here on the emailer and the topic. A while back Brenton sent me an email. I may have posted it actually, suggesting that I stick more to porn topics because the non-porn stuff was getting in the way. (And he made a good point that some of it didn’t apply to non-Americans who were bored with political or sports takes.) He made some good points actually. Fast forward a few months and I posted this piece: Police Search for Baby Cut from Womb. which was a total non-porn post and a bit of a crazy rant if I do say so myself. But apparently it struck a chord with Brenton. Thank you for the input as always and for sticking with me through the non-porn.

Brenton Writes:

Geez Rog, you never cease to surprise! A while ago I had an email chat with you about non-porn topics being given too much creedence on the blog, after which I decided that my world views and yours were poles apart. Then I read something about your musical taste which sounds eerily similar to mine (I think it was when the Jackson thing was hot news) and now this!

We have these same problems here and I agree that someone should stop these morons from being able to breed. As much as anything it is just so cruel to the poor kids.

Keep your chin up, keep up the good work, you are so right on this one.

Brenton : Australia

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