Police Search for Baby Cut from Womb: Off Topic Rant

Police Search for Baby Cut from Womb

Non-Porn & Barely Human

OK so this has nothing to do with porn. It’s just a story I found when I was logging on today that hit me. It actually made me sick and for whatever reason it seemed like the right thing to blog about. It’s a gruesome crime committed by some super freak of nature and all of the pointless shit that lead up to it. If the blog gets as emotional and heated as my discussion with Mrs. Rog then I apologize ahead of time. Anyone who isn’t interested in reading me half lose my mind may want to skip on to the next story because I’m likely go a little of the rails on this one.

First you can Read the whole gruesome story here

Now, it’s a pretty basic story about a 23 (Or 24 based on the news service) year old woman in MA who found dead in her closet. Her land lord found the body thanks to a horrible smell after the woman had not been in contact with family or friends for a few days. The woman had been about eight months pregnant, but was found with the fetus cut out of her body hence the lovely headline to this story. The exact cause of death is not yet known, but early findings indicate head injuries meaning that someone probably bopped her on the head and then cut the baby out. Now police are out looking for the killer and possibly the baby although the chances of the little one surviving aren’t that great at this point. The victim already had three children, 5, 3 and 18 months. Two live with her grandmother while the third is in state custody. So the mother of three, soon to be four is now dead and who did it? Police are still searching though they did interview the boyfriend, oh and he’s a winner.

Here’s where I go off on a bit of a rant and pardon me for this. They don’t say how many of the kids this fucking asshole has fathered, but he’s been around for “a few years” so more than one. She had a restraining order on him for pushing her into a glass table, cutting her arm, grabbing her by the throat and slapping her last month. That’s right, this fucking pile of pig shit knocked around his pregnant girlfriend so bad that the courts stepped in. We don’t have to Joe or Frank Hardy to figure out that the two older children being raised by great grandma and the baby in state care probably has something to do with mom living with a violent asshole who likes to knock women around. (When he isn’t knocking them up that is.) It also doesn’t take Dick Tracy to figure out that he’s prime fucking suspect numbers one through ten. Neighbors have reported a lot of fighting between the couple. Well duh, the guy likes to beat up women. It’s bound to get a little loud.

So let’s put on our thinking caps here. Repeat violent asshole beats up his girl one too many times and gets a restraining order against him. He shows up because oddly enough first class ass bags don’t tend to follow the letter of the law, and they have a fight. This time he hits her over the head with something, or shoves her into a sharp table or whatever he does when she pisses him off. Whatever it is, they fight and the ends up dead. Then this fucking MENSA candidate decides to cut the baby out of her and take it home with him. Maybe it doesn’t go down quite like that, but anyone want to bet that I’m wrong?

I can’t decide where to start though? The guy is an obvious scum bag. Even if he didn’t kill her,, he beat her often enough to have three kids taken away from her and then a restraining order. Why the fuck are males like this (Sorry, but after a heated discussion I decided that the word “man” does not apply to creeps who beat women.) allowed to fucking procreate? (I know, don’t go ACLU on me, just let me rant.) Why can’t we just cut their fucking balls off so that whatever is fucked up in them can’t be passed on?

Not that she’s off the hook. Look, she’s dead and doesn’t deserve what happened to her, but come on. How many times does this guy get knock the crap out of you before you wise up? How many times will you let your kids see you get beat up before you kick his sorry ass out? How many times are you going to let some spineless little douchebag take out his inadequacies on your face before you figure out that it takes to do the domestic violence doe-see-doe? The answer of course is “one time too many.”

This couple, not yet in their mid-20’s already had three kids and lost them to relatives of the state. Decided it was a wise move to have another and now it’s a double homicide. (Probably) The older three kids now have no mom and soon won’t have a dad either. (Not that removing this complete waste of space from their lives is a bad thing.) Someone please explain to me why trash of this caliber is allowed to breed. (Again, put down your ACLU pencils, I GET it.) Why wasn’t this guy castrated long ago? Why wasn’t this woman taken away to a sanity farm to help her realize that she’s poisoning her children? I know, it’s all about freedom and I’m a big supporter of that. I’m just not a big supporter of blatantly stupid women putting up with crap while popping out babies. I’m even less fond of gutless trash who beat women because they think it’s OK. It’s not and whether or not this guy killed his girlfriend and her baby I hope he gets the living shit kicked out of him every day in prison for what he’s already done.

And before anyone reminds me that there are probably drug and/or alcohol issues at play here, stop. I know that. I’d almost bet on it. That doesn’t make it right. It doesn’t make it excusable. It just might make it a little more understandable I guess. On some level I hope the guy was high as a kite. The idea of someone beating to death the mother of child and then, instead of calling 911 to save his baby, cutting it out is just too fucking gruesome for me to handle.

Sorry to break off there so hard. I’m not sure why it got under my skin this way. Maybe it’s being a father and knowing how far I would go to protect my sons. Maybe it’s just that I’m thinking a lot lately about life and love and what they mean in our lives. Maybe it’s just that I raised by a man who absolutely would not tolerate violence against women of any kind. Maybe it’s just that I don’t understand what kind of monster could do this? Maybe that’s not such a bad thing.


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