Reader Email: Holy Crap


Reader Email: Holy Crap

Max Hardcore Reaction

I actually got this email about two weeks ago, but I’m running behind on cleaning out the in box. Kind of a great reaction to the Max Hardcore obscenity verdict, don’t you think?
Mike Writes:

Did you hear about the Max Hardcore obscenity trial in Florida? I predict-the first of many. Your thoughts?

Yes I have heard about it and talked a lot about the case with friends. I don’t know if you saw Tina Tyler’s Blog on the Subject but she addresses an interesting side of the issue. I don’t know if we will see many more. Max represents the most obvious target in the porn biz. His stuff is extreme, hard to defend on many levels and he is the kind of guy that many would like to see go down. ON THE OTHER HAND…..(Sorry wanted to make sure people paid attention.) I am very, VERY upset by the conviction. Max and I have our history. I don’t care for a lot of his work and he’s no Rog fan, that’s for sure. That said, I don’t want to see anyone in our business go down for CONTENT. I may not like what is in Max‘s movies, but it is up to me not to watch them. It is not up to the Government to decide what consenting adults can do on camera. That’s my bottom line. Love him or not, Max is producing content by adults, for adults. With any luck, Max‘s conviction will be overturned by a higher court. There’s a lot more to say, but that’s kind of the bottom line. I’m firmly on Max‘s side on this one. Bet that wasn’t the answer you were expecting.

To see Max‘s work visit

Read My Review of Max’s Web Site from a few years back.

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