Fantasy Baseball: League Ready to go. Who Wants In?


Fantasy Baseball League

Good News, It’s Free

Looks like we picked the right year to start a fun little Fantasy Baseball League. ESPN has changed their game play a bit. They still offer all of the same features, but now allow us to choose free play or paid teams ($29.99) the paid teams offer prizes to the winners. (Banner or T Shirt and a shot at a cool trip.) My thought is that we can do better as a prize package by just putting our heads together and playing for free. I’ll put up a Rog Rule T Shirt and a box of 10 Porn DVDs to the winner. If other league members want to throw in some similar fun/free stuff that could be fun.

Since it’s free, we might even be able to come up with a few leagues. I’ll start with a 10-team league, ML, H2H, ESPN Standard rules with a Live Draft. It will be Private, but I invite any of you who want to play to please email me for the info. Two of you have already committed, so there are 7 slots open. Readers, Performers, company owners, anyone at all are welcome. If this league fills up, we can start others. Hell, if they are free we might as well have fun with them. I can set up different leagues with different rules for those who want something other than H2H. We can decide all that later.

So for right now, anyone who wants to play in a FREE Fantasy baseball league this season, send me an email. Please include “Fantasy Baseball” in the title of the email so I can get you in fast.

Readers, Porn People, Journalists, Everyone is invited. (Hey if we get enough people we can have a “Hot Girls” league, a “Porn Companies” league and who knows what else.) Also, if you have something cool to throw into the free prize bin, let me know. This should be fun.

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