Rog Blog: Care Package Items For Military


Rog Blog August 10
Care Package & Thank You
First of all I want to thank all of you who sent anniversary wishes. Yes, 14 years is a long time these days. Yes, that’s a sad statement and yes, I’m a lucky fucker to have found someone who can put up with me for this long. (Thanks for that guys. Love you too.) Anyway, the gift went over well and we had a nice day.
Care Package: Remember I mentioned a reader whose son is shipping off to Iraq and the care package I wanted to put together for him? Well it’s that time folks. I have some stuff of my own and the lovely Miss April Storm has donated some stuff from her girls. Now it’s time for everyone else. If you are reading this and are in the industry, these men deserve our support. Anything you want to send would be great. DVDs, signed pix, signed slicks, whatever. I’m going to make a big deal out of this when you send stuff so not only will you have the appreciation of our armed forces, but will also get pimped pretty well here. Please email at for details. If you are reading this and no someone in the industry please pass it along. I think this is something good we can do for the people who are out defending our right to enjoy smut the way we do.
If anyone wants to personalize it, the readers’ son’s name is “Alberto” and I’m sure he would love to have bragging rights of a personalized photo or whatever. Thanks a bunch guys.
Guest New Bloggers: Time for another update here. The aforementioned Miss April Storm and her girls will be taking a day as well. That’s six days filled people. As many as 4 left so if you want it, write in. If you know someone in porn, pass this along as well.
No IPod update today. I’m busy transcribing my Rob Black interview. Good stuff if I do say so myself. See you all soon.

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