Drama…Ain’t It Fun


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Condoms, Control and Drama

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Yeah, I spoke on condoms and the laws to make them mandatory. Supporting condom use by choice in any production and by any performer who wants to. What a stretch. Sticking with a belief I have had and expressed openly since a lot of you used to write in complaining that I didn’t mark movies down for having condoms. What was I thinking?

I guess I was thinking that good people can disagree civilly and debate important issues like grown ups. (And I have some long emails exchanges that prove that I wasn’t totally wrong.) On top of that of course came the usual nonsense. Long story short, lots of straw man arguments, a few silly name calling fits and we’re right back where we have been so many times before.

I could post links and refute the things I never said and outline every point I actually made. I’ve danced this dance before after all.

Or I could just smile, watch some TV and know that anything I say is going to be twisted into something else anyway. I’ll just save the middle man. I have plenty to say on mandatory condom laws, but I’m not going to defend positions I don’t take just to play a part in some insane internet drama acted out to push someone else’s agenda.

Maybe I’ll podcast about it. Then again maybe I’ll let other people play roles in this little power play.


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