Random Randomness


Since I haven’t jotted down any notes lately I figured I would catch up all at once. Forgive me to hitting a lot of topics at once, but there is a lot to say.
If your feel seem a little cold today don’t worry, that’s just hell freezing over. Props to the Red Sox for kicking the Curse of the Babe right in the teeth. After an unbelievable comeback against the Yankees anything was possible, but I don’t think even the most die-hard members of the Nation could have predicted a sweet in the Series. The Cardinals are an incredible group of hitters and it took a lot of great pitching to shut then down. Thanks Sox, for giving me something I have been waiting to see since 1977 when I saw my first game on the TV. I just hope that the city is in one piece when everyone sobers up and goes home. (What am I saying, it’s BOSTON!)

I made my first on-camera appearance on the Porn Hunnies with Flower and Maria last night. I’ve been doing weekly call-in reviews for their since it began last month, but this was my first chance to sit on the couch with the girls. I reviewed Teen America Mission 1 and sat through the second half as the girls made their picks. It was a lot of fun though I’m sure most of you will agree that I belong behind the camera and not in front of it. Flower asked me back though so I will do what I can to get up there more often.
In case you have missed it, I have been doing a lot of work on the site lately. I have finally started bringing over the web site reviews and amateur reviews from the old site. They are being mixed in with some new amateur reviews and quite a few new web reviews. (I have some new writers working on the web site reviews so that should speed things up.) I have added a second level of links for you to enjoy. Just check out the Links Page and follows the links at the bottom of each section to an expanded page of that type of link. I’ve added some retail links, porn resource links, star pages, adult pages and other non-porn stuff that is pretty cool. I’ve had a Yahoo Group for two years, but didn’t link it until recently so that is taking off pretty nicely. It is a great place to post general questions that can often be answered by other readers before I even get a chance to look at them. (It is also a good place to see pictures of our Down Under friend Sidney.) There is a Message Board in the works. As soon as I get the chance to learn how to use it I will post a link. I’m trying to figure out the best way to moderate it, categories for the boards and all those little details. It is also time for the RRFF Poll again. If you haven’t already registered, please do so Register Here. The polls will start soon so get ready for a month long battle for top honors. And yes, I am working on both the Rog Rules Gallery and the Rog Rules T-Shirt Flake List. (It’s a long one my friends.)
With the election coming up I do have a long political post to add later, but I have been staying away from such topics. I have noticed the bitter stupidity of other sites and figure that I can avoid a lot of that by just letting the lunatics rant. You can’t debate with a partisan hack and you can’t expect logic from a bitter, disingenuous lemming. In truth the cynical hypocrisy I have seen of late has caused me to lose respect for some people I once thought were above that and certainly felt were more intelligent than the mean-spirited cry-baby bullshit they are spewing. That’s enough of that. I promise that the political post won’t be as partisan and hateful as you get on some other sites and I also promise a level of political honesty that you won’t get on those same sites. (I won’t be pre-polluting the water with marching orders from the lunatic fringe.)
My movie going has slowed down lately, but I did see a couple of decent flicks in the last few weeks. “Friday Night Lights” is an excellent film with another stellar performance from Billy Bob Thornton. I’ve heard it called the best football movie ever. I don’t know if that is saying much, but I certainly feel it is one of the best and clearly the best high-school football flick I’ve ever seen. I snuck off last week to see “Team America” and got exactly what I was expecting. Trey and Matt are vulgar as fuck and pretty funny to boot. The movie wears thin rather quickly and the attacks on celebrities get a lot more attention than the true target of the film. It is a wonderful spoof of big action films with some shots stolen right from the Bruckheimer cliché book. I have heard a few people upset with how certain actors are treated. Good grief people. Aren’t you the same people who were upset at the people who found South Park offensive? And for those of you saying that this proves that Matt and Trey are “right-wingers” well try to remember that failed show they did called “The Bushes” I believe. Further proof that some people define partisan ship as ‘anything that doesn’t goose step in line with my narrow beliefs.’ No thanks people. It’s a fucking movie and if you think it only lampoons one side of things then you missed the fucking point of the movie. Did I say fucking enough times to get through?
When I haven’t been hard at work on the site, watching porn or following the amazing finish to the baseball season, I have had time for a bit of TV. The usual shows have been great, Scrubs, NYPD Blue and CSI are all off to a good start. I have also been watching a couple of new shows that have caught my attention. “Lost” is quite good and has me tuning in for each new episode. The whole thing reminds me of a Stephen King novel with the huge cast, extensive back story and none-too-subtle blurring of the good/evil thing. My guilty pleasure this season so far has been “Desperate Housewives.” It’s pretty funny, racy as can be hoped for on network TV and has a great cast. Teri Hatcher and Felicity Huffman are wonderful and Eva Longoria is one of the hottest freaking women on TV right now. Now that the World Series is over we finally get to see new “Arrested Development” (Season 1 is on DVD and it is fucking great.) and of course I am waiting for the debuts of “24” and “The Shield.”
Speaking of debuts, the NBA season is right around the corner. With all of the focus on Miami and Los Angeles people seem to be over-looking the fact that the road to the Finals this year would seem to go through Minnesota and Detroit. It will be fun watching Shaq turn Miami around, interesting to see how Kobe handles the pressure on his own and of course we can all count on the Clippers sucking, the Kings choking and the Celtics to make some trades that no one other than Danny Ainge will be able to understand.
Thoughts, comments, complaints, feel free to drop me a note at rog@rogreviews.com

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