Dahlia Von Knight Presents QueerCrush’s Sapphic Social Tuesday Night



Dahlia Von Knight Presents QueerCrush’s Sapphic Social Tuesday Night


Las Vegas – Nominated director and performer Dahlia Von Knight is excited to present QueerCrush’s Sapphic Social event this coming Tuesday, January 21st in Las Vegas.

Dahlia is co-hosting with Electra Rayne, her partner in QueerCrush.com. You’ll be in town then for other industry events, so stop by Dust Las Vegas beginning at 9 pm to join in the fun for a night of chill vibes, hype music, and Dust’s signature cocktails and famous appetizers. There is no cover fee, just good company, and great energy all night long. Dahlia has always had a passion for event planning, and she can’t wait to see you there.

Dust Las Vegas is at 855 E Twain Ave Suite 114, Las Vegas, NV 89169. Call (725) 277-9882 or visit https://dustlasvegas.com for additional info.

Based in Las Vegas and available for travel if needed, Dahlia offers flexible rates for a variety of production needs. Whether securing locations, booking talent, or ensuring safety on set, she brings the connections and expertise necessary to bring any vision to life—along with her unique, weird, and creative vibe. Dahlia also has numerous references available upon request. 

For inquiries or bookings or for help with an event, contact Dahlia Von Knight at dahliavonknight@gmail.com.

For more Dahlia visit:

X: @dvonknightxxx

Instagram:  @dvknight


Wish list

And for everything else, visit dahliavonknight.com.


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