Ashley Matheson Opens Up about the Realities of Sex Work on Stripped by SIA Podcast


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Ashley Matheson Opens Up about the Realities of Sex Work on Stripped by SIA Podcast

(Los Angeles, CA / December 18, 2024) — TikTok sensation and adult content creator Ashley Matheson joins host Steph Sia on the latest episode of the Stripped by SIA podcast to explore the intersection of social media, adult content and personal identity in the digital age.

The episode “Adult Stars: Influencers, Content Creators, or Role Models? with Ashley Matheson” offers fascinating insights into the evolving nature of content creation and the importance of authenticity in an increasingly scrutinized online world.

Matheson, well-known for her massive social media following, uninhibited approach to content creation and candid conversations on her own Hotter Ones podcast, dives into the nuances of being both an influencer and an adult content creator, and reflects on the challenges of staying original on platforms like TikTok, where trends dominate, and how managing an OnlyFans account adds layers of complexity to her digital life.

“It was such a pleasure to join Steph on her podcast and have the opportunity to open up about my experiences in the industry and the world of social media,” said Matheson. “We covered so many important topics, and it felt really empowering to share my journey with her audience; I’m grateful for platforms like Stripped by SIA that give us the space to tell our stories and connect on a deeper level.”

Fans can listen to Ashley Matheson’s episode of Stripped by SIA on, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Podchaser, Podbay and other quality platforms.

To learn more about Ashley Matheson and Hotter Ones, visit and

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