Reader Email: American Idol Contestant Dead Ringer For Porn Girl


Reader Email: Idol Looks Like Porn Girl

Remember Wendy James?

I haven’t dipped into the reader mailbag in a while, but this one is a good one. It comes from my good friend Will (Who I still like despite the fact that he kicks my ass in fantasy sports year round.)

Will Writes:

I doubt you watch American Idol, but there’s a girl on there – Siobhan
– that’s a dead ringer for Wendy James, a cute little porn chick who
was around a few years back.

Rog Replies:

Hey Will. I actually do watch Idol and honestly didn’t make the connection. I didn’t remember Wendy until you reminded me. Great find there. Checking out a couple of her pictures, she really does look a whole lot like Sioban (I love that name). Big porno points for you my friend.

Check Out Wendy in Hardcore Action.

Check out the pictures of Sioban and Wendy and judge for yourselves and see her in action below.

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