Day at the Game with Ivan, Tom Byron & Sarah Vandella


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Baseball with Ivan, Tom & Sarah

Yankees Vs. Angels

As most of you who read this site know I am lucky enough to share Angels season tickets with some friend. I attend as many games as I can with my family and always end up with tickets for the day games. Last week the Angels played their final game of the year against the Yankees and I had some special company. I’ve been asking people in the industry to come down and join me for games for a while now, but they usually decline. It’s a long drive during the week and they are generally shooting. (Or maybe they just don’t want to hang with me for three hours.)

Earlier in the year Ivan made the trip down for a game and we had a good time. He agreed to come down for this game as well and he brought friends. Apparently both Tom Byron and Sarah Vandella are Yankee fans. (See, you learn something new every day) Since the Yanks were in town Ivan brought them along. Who am I to say no to having The Icon and one of the most stunning women in porn come along for the game?

We met up outside the stadium hoping to grab some chicken wings at the Hooters just off the freeway. Normally the wait at that Hooters is minimal, but on this day it was a full 45 minutes just for a table. No go on that, so we headed into the stadium a little early to grab a bite and start our day.

On the way in we stopped to take some pictures. Tom wanted some to send to Rob Black and Lizzy Borden who were starting their prison sentence on the very day we were enjoying a beautiful Southern California day. I doubt if pictures of us at a game will make them feel any better, but we had a long talk about Rob and Lizzy and certainly wish them well. No matter people think of them, neither of them deserves to be in prison for making a movie. (Not even one as horrible as Fossil Fuckers.)

Just inside the gate there is a great BBQ that serves some obscenely big hot dogs. (Yes, insert your own joke there.) Even after fifteen years and over six thousand reviews, I have to confess that there was something incredibly sexy about just watching Sarah order a huge Italian sausage. (OK yeah, I’m stuck in 7th grade. Sue me.) We found our way to our seats and lucked out a bit. Normally for a day game the upper deck is pretty empty and we can move around. That comes in hand when it’s time to run from the sun. Against a team like the Yankees though, the stands are pretty much packed. So where’s the luck? This late in the season the sun was in a position to be off of us for pretty much the whole game. It was hot enough without having the harsh SoCal sun bearing down on us the whole time.

Sitting between two Yankee fans would normally not be my favorite way to spend a game, but this was special. Tom and Sarah aren’t exactly your typical Yankee fans. OK, Tom is. He’s loud, funny and passionate about his team. But in between cheering for the Yanks, he had a lot say. We talked a lot about Rob and the case of course. There are a number of blogs to written about that, but that’s for another time. Tom has been shooting a lot of great stuff, especially for his Seasoned Players line. We talked about different girls who would make great additions to the series. Christy Canyon came up of course. (I brought that up on Playboy Radio last night, but Christy swears she will always be a Vivid Girl. A comeback is a possibility there though. Another blog for another time.) Tom would really like to do a scene with Kay Parker to bring the whole “Private Teacher” thing full circle. Of course the biggest name on his wish list would be Traci Lords. It will never happen, but one has to wonder what it would cost to get Traci back in front of the camera for a fuck and suck fest.

On the other side of me Sarah was finishing up her hot dog. That was a sight for sure. She’s been really busy shooting for just about every major company in the business. In her jeans and sexy top she had everyone’s attention. She looked so hot that people didn’t even seem to mind when she was cheering so loudly for the visitors. Sarah has also been doing a lot of work for her web site that is due for a launch early in 2010. We will be doing an interview closer to launch time about the site and may set up one sooner than that if all goes well. I gave Sarah the last Rog Rules tank top (Need to order some more before Vegas.) and she said that there would be plenty of photos soon. (I’m going to bug her until we get them.)

It wasn’t’ exactly an exciting game. The Yanks won on a day when the ball seemed to die every time it was hit in the air. Still, I had a great time. Tom and I shared a beer, I talked horror movies with Ivan (You’re right, the trailer for Paranormal Activity is creepy as hell) and I did my best to not to drool all over Sarah. It was a great day with some really nice people. Day baseball always makes me smile, but when I can have great conversations and sit that freaking close to Sarah, what could be any better?

Big thanks to Ivan for making this happen, to Tom for joining us and giving me some great ideas for a book and to Sarah for being so nice and so freaking hot.

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