Guest Blogger John Paul “The Pope”


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Guest Blogger: John Paul “The Pope”
A Few Words from the S&M World

I am really excited about this one. For a long time certain genres have been underrepresented on this site. One of the big ones has been the S&M world. It is outside of my area of expertise and I am thrilled to have contributions from John Paul. “The Pope” knows his stuff and shoots for Dungeon Corp. I hope you all enjoy his contributions.

John Paul “The Pope” Writes:
I got a text from a friend and we went back and forth about a few things and the next thing that happened got my head spinning. I have suddenly started a campaign to promote myself to the public, which is somewhat awkward, because I’m not the kind of guy who is used to that kind of thing…self promotion, but it is something that I think is good for my career. I have been doing bondage rope work for five years now and it seems that I need to get my name out there more than it is.

With that being said, this is going to be quite the journey, because I do not do well “talking myself up”. I’m proud of what I do and I even think I’m really good at it, but saying any more than that is pushing it. I’m not sure if modest is the right way to put it, but I feel that there is a way to promote someone and make them more successful, but then there is going overboard with it. I have no worries about her ability to do an amazing job, because she’s cool like that, but for me to participate in anything beyond what was already stated makes me feel…I don’t know….weird. I have always been the type of person who thinks that someone’s actions will always speak louder than their words, but in this day and time there are so many fish swimming in this huge pond that it’s easy to get lost in the mix. I want to shine…I really do, but is wanting it enough? Apparently not, that’s why I’ve called in my friend to make sure that when you’re fishing for that certain thing you’ll hopefully catch me!

I’ve seen so many people that need no introduction…in their mind the whole world should know them. I’m grateful when any person notices my work and compliments it. Don’t think that I’m fishing for compliment, because that’s the furthest thing from my mind. I’m just saying that if you have already declared yourself a star before anyone else has even seen your face, maybe you are a bit more self absorbed than me. Who knows maybe that what it takes to be ” the star”, and if that is what it takes then I will keep doing what I do and let these people be ” the stars” that they are.

Luckily, I think the world actually appreciates talent and all I want is my time to shine. You know who you are young lady…flip the switch and let’s see if I shine, or if I need to be a little more polished first.
…here goes nothing :)
I now direct, produce, and rig for all of the Dungeon Corp sites, as well as Dom for, and make appearances on and I do monthly shows at Club Hell, Fetish Nation, and Bondage Ball in Hollywood. I am branching out to other cities such as Atlanta and Chicago, and hopefully New York soon to do shows.(Haven’t done shows in other cities yet, but have the connections to do so)

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