Reader Email: Shitty Porn Sucks


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Reader Email: Shitty Porn Sucks

See, I Haven’t Been Wasting My Time…Completely

I spent a little time cleaning out the Facebook inbox today. (I honestly just forget to check it.) I am proud to say that I replied to all of them and now have a clean box…ummm yeah you know what I mean. Among the usual stuff was the following email. Since, (To steal a phrase from Jim Rome) I haven’t been giving myself enough credit lately, I decided to post it.

Jamie C Writes:

Hey man, are you the dude who writes the porn reviews for IAFD?
If so let me give you MAD respect for saving me hours of watching shitty porn and letting me get to the quality stuff!

Yes sir, guilty as charged. I am that guy and my reviews do show up on (Thanks to my great friend Jeff.) I’m very glad that I have helped you avoid shitty porn over the years. These days it seems like I’m reviewing mostly good stuff which I guess helps guide you to the better porn and ends up keeping you away from shitty stuff. On the other hand it has been a while since I’ve reviewed something like Burn, Neu Wave Hookers or Anal Ball (Tom Zupko wherever you are, I miss you brother.). Perhaps I need to go down to the local video store and pick out a few stinkers. Anyway thanks for writing and the kind words. Glad I could help.

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