Holiday Greetings: Open Call to Anyone With Wishes for the Readers


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Happy Holidays

Share Your Wishes

It’s coming up on the end of another year. I say it every December, but I honestly don’t know where this year went. It’s been a trying one for sure, but also a year that has been filled with many blessings. I’m working on a few end of the year pieces, but I wanted to put out an open invitation to the readers of this site, but in and out of the industry. (And a big thanks to Cindi over at for the “Giving Thanks” pieces she ran.) So please take a few minutes to type out some holiday greetings to anyone you like. Anything will do, a list of things you’re happy about this year, wishes for the coming year, funny gift lists or just sincere thank you notes to the people in the industry, the fans or anything at all. So consider that a call to each and every one of you. Write something down and send it in. And forward this to anyone you know. Any performers, directors, fans, anyone at all, forward it to them and I’ll post it for everyone to read. We can spread a little cheer this holiday season. (And yes, photos are welcome, that’s cheery after all.) Thanks

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