Voting Has Begun: Campaign Videos and Photos Requested


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Voting Has Begun

Round One is Underway

The 2008 Fan Faves have begun. Round one voting is taking place right now. If you registered you should have received your first voter notification email that sent you to all of the opening brackets. There are a LOT of them in the first round, but we will whittle things down quickly. If you registered, but did not receive your email then you may not have confirmed your registration. (About 20% of you registered but never confirmed.) What happens in most of these cases is the confirmation email gets caught in the spam filter. Check your junk mail folder first. If that doesn’t work email me and we can get it sorted out.
If you haven’t been over to the forum to check out the Final Four contest, do so. We have copies of Pirates 2 to give away to the readers who can come closest to picking the Final Four in all of the categories. Make sure to enter ASAP as the contest closes this weekend. See how good you are at predicting how your fellow voters will chose this year.
In keeping with the election year spirit of campaigning, I have also opened up a thread on the forum (Fan Fave Final Four Contest Thread The winners of this contest will receive a new DVD copy of Pirates 2. Enter now before the first round of voting is complete.
I was thinking that this year it might be fun to get some interaction with the fans and the nominees. I don’t expect anyone to write an essay explaining why they should win, but a video maybe? A vote for me sort of thing? Maybe some pictures? Rog Rules signs? Lipstick on the boobs is always good. We can also get fans in on the act. I’ll open up a thread on the forum for fan submitted sign photos. “Vote for” whoever….Signs are good, but get creative. Enlist the help of your wife, GF, hot neighbor and make them fun. I’ll promote all of the signs and maybe you can swing some votes. Or better yet, the performer/director you are promoting know and maybe we can talk them into some pictures or a video. We can even make a contest out of it. The most original photo/sign/video (Must be tube friendly for video guys) wins a prize. The sexiest wins another. So come on guys, pass the word on to your favorite performer….tell her to get the vote out now.

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