What Did Jesse Say….



What Did Jesse Say>

Is He That Arrogant? That Stupid? Or Is He Trying to Derail Obama?

It never ceases to amaze me when I hear Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton on the TV. Isn’t it about time we turned the page on these aging hate merchants and moved forward in a direction without their tired bullshit? Last week Jesse had a severe case of diarrhea of the mouth that should have everyone angry, scared or just puzzled as hell.
The Reverend Jackson said that when Obama is president, the ‘Zionists who have controlled American policy for decades’ will lose a great deal of their clout.” Huh? “Zionists”? Is it me or does Jesse sound like one of those nutters on a Nazi web site railing about the “Jews”? He went on to promise (How exactly is he in a position to promise anything?) “Fundamental changes in US policy”, most importantly ending “decades of putting Israel’s interests first.” Wouldn’t you think that a man with a history of Anti-Semitic remarks might just use a little more common sense when speaking out on such matters? Apparently not, because Jackson saved his best for last, adding that although ” although “Zionists who have controlled American policy for decades” will remain strong, they’ll lose a great deal of their clout when Barack Obama enters the White House.
I realize that I’m not a racist and an anti-Semite like Jackson, but this whole thing doesn’t make sense. I have to wonder if he’s trying to torpedo Obama’s slam dunk win with shit like this. For a lot of Obama supporters, it is the fact that Barack is NOT Jesse Jackson or Al Shapton that makes him so appealing. Thankfully the Obama campaign immediately distanced itself from the ridiculous statements by Jackson. They were quick to point out that Jackson is not an advisor to the campaign and that we should not take his statements as an indication of future policies.
Let’s take that at face value and assume that Jackson was out there talking out of his ass. Why? I have to wonder if he is so consumed with jealousy that he might just be secretly hoping to see Obama go down in a close election. Otherwise why is he out there lighting fires that could actually cost Obama key votes in states like Florida? Oh wait, I keep forgetting. He’s Jesse Jackson and he’s a fucking nutter.
Come to think of it, are we really sure Jesse said this? Perhaps he wasn’t talking about “Zionists” at all. For all we know, Jackson could have been worried about out of control carnivores in the administration. Because when it comes right down to it, it’s all the fault of the Lionists.


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