Blog: This N That


Blog: This N That

Stuff On the Plate
Just going to clean out the in box a little and see what stories are here. Can you believe that August is half over already? Normally at this time of the year I would be doing some recruiting for guest bloggers while the family is Sedona for vacation. No such luck this year. The timing just didn’t work out. School starts right in the middle of the planned trip and we really don’t feel like making a 9 hour drive, staying two days and turning right back around. (Did that once, it was exhausting.) So instead we’re going to head down to my hometown, San Diego for a mini stay-cation. Take the kids to Sea World, take in a Padre game and see family, including the newest family member. So we won’t have a full week of guest bloggers, but I suppose I could have someone take over for the three days I’m gone. Interested? Shoot me an email at .

Eye Candy: Here is a hot gallery featuring Gianna Michaels in some hot interracial action. That gallery is from a site that offers $1 trials into the mega-site that includes from Mr. Tera Patrick.

Christy Canyon’s Butt Hair Yeah, just writing that kind of made me cringe. I don’t know how many of you listen to Night Calls on Playboy Radio, but the other night I was doing my usual review and ended up adding something really strange to my porn memorabilia collection. As it so often does, the review sort of wandered into other areas. Before I came on, Christy was trying out a new waxing strip and has done her butt. So she offered me a signed strip including her hair. For some reason I said yes. I have to say, this is by far the more unusual piece of memorabilia in the collection. When it arrives I shall put it with the lingerie from Teagan, the badge from Ivan’s “Dawn of the Head” and …well, the butt hairs kind of take the cake. Thanks Christy. I think. Alana Evans was guest-hosting this week and the subject of dating/fucking porn chicks came up. Since Alana and I never have hooked up despite a number of promises to the contrary, Christy asked how many porn chicks I’ve had sex with. After giving me the chance to plead the 5th I gave her the honest answer. None…right? Well, except for all those super-secret POV scenes that I have been shooting and stashing on a SUPER-super-secret web site that only one person on the planet has ever seen. If you count the women on that site then it’s….well it’s still none because those scenes are the product of someone’s imagination.

Eye Candy: Speaking of super secret POV scenes, Here is Mr. Tera, Evan Seinfeld banging Teagan on his new site OK so he doesn’t have to keep his a secret. Maybe someone saw these scenes and confused Evan and I. We look so much alike after all.

Edwards: OK, so John Edwards had an affair. He had an affair on his wife who has cancer. Ummm, so? Isn’t that between the two of them? Seriously. The guy is no longer running for President. He wasn’t even a serious candidate to begin with. What did he pull like 5%? Who gives a fuck? He’s not even a politician any more. He’s not in the Senate, was never a serious choice to be VP. (Does anyone think that Obama would be so stupid as to pick Edwards?) Just let it go. I’m not saying it was a very nice thing to do. I’m not even saying it was an OK thing to do. I’m just saying that it happens and we don’t need to go into full time crisis mode over this. I’ve got news for you. John Edwards was a douchebag ambulance chaser who got his ass handed to him in the Senate, ran away from a failed re-election bid to hitch a ride on an ill-fated Presidential ticket only to re-emerge as some kind of crusader for the little guy. Anyone who bought this sudden attempt to become a blow-dried Ralph Nader (With one tenth the intelligence, one hundredth of credibility and one millionth of the integrity.) was getting screwed more than the mistress. Can we please just let it go and let John Edwards fade into obscurity where he belongs?

Eye Candy: OK so I couldn’t find a “Daddy’s a Scumbag lawyer and a Cheater” site so we’ll have to settle for This great gallery of Shyla from Nice.

Toy Reviews: As some of you may have read, I added the 100th toy review to this site this week. Still about 4800 short of the total movie reviews I have up and just behind web site reviews. Lanah Layeau is one of the new toy reviewers for the site. She is new to the business, very cool and already has some good reader feedback on her early reviews. People have been requesting certain toy reviews from her. (Probably in part because she is going to be using the toys in solo scenes for her web site.) Since we’re still a little spotty on getting new toys to review, I asked Lanah to make a wish list and she did. Here is Lanah’s Toy Wish List. If you see something on there to buy for her we’ll get the review up. I’m sure she will appreciate it and maybe we can convince her to give us some shots with the toy.

Eye Candy: Here is a site with free trails. And it features Coeds Love Big Dicks, or at least they love them on this site.

Olbermann: I thought I was pretty much done with that waste of space and YouTube bandwidth Keith Olbermann after he tried to strong arm his way into Tim Russert’s memorial. That kind of douche maneuver will hopefully hasten his demise and we will see him as a full time YouTube nutter soon. Then AOL news threw him at me in a story about Liz Edwards. (Apparently the left wing nutbars are angry because Rush Limbaugh made a joke about why her husband cheated? Whatever, better things to worry about.) I listened to about 45 seconds of Keith which was just enough time for me to remember what a complete and utter lack of talent he is. (but not quite enough for my ears to start to bleed.) Exactly when did he decide he was going to rip off Dennis Miller? Makes sense? He has tried to steal other people’s personalities ever since his days as a failed sportscaster in LA. (And yet Jim Hill still has a gig here, that must eat at Keith every day.) You see Keith, breaking out your thesaurus and using as many SAT words as possible peppered into you child-like tantrums against those smarter and more talented than you only serves to remind us of two things. 1. You’re a bottom feeder hoping someone above you tosses you a turd. (Look ma, no thesaurus) and 2. Dennis Miller did it first, he did it better and he’s funny. You’re not. Now when are you going to make good on your promise and quit since NBC didn’t hand you a job that you won’t be qualified for in a thousand lifetimes?

Eye Candy: And speaking of Keith….Here’s another human toilet. (Only this one is good looking and seems to have some discernable talent.)

Final Word: As many of you know there are changes in the works over here. We’re working on a new site design that will make it more of a Word Press feel with a lot of interactivity. I look forward to that because I really do love the reader feedback. The good, the bad and the challenging. The ugly though, that’s what scares me. I do filter some of your email and don’t post everything. Taking shots at me is one thing and I generally post those. But some of the stuff that comes out, well it’s just downright mean. Not that mean is always bad. I certainly can’t talk about flowers and kittens after what I just wrote above. I do wonder though. If I open things up without moderation will everything degenerate into one big battle of posters? Take for example a few recent posts on Cindi posted a couple of story’s about Tera and Evan and Evan’s new The response from readers was less than glowing. Two examples. :

From Chip: here are the facts. biohazard suck. they made music for morons. plus they’re just another washed-up, 90’s nu-metal, sleeve tattoo, pit-bull, shit-head band. and another thing, all this stupid, fake, promo, ass kissing, butt pluggin’ for the “porn industry” that goes on at this site makes this place almost unreadable now. here’s another fact and a bit of knowledge to live by for all you brainless porno fucks:”any asshole can get a tattoo. and they usually do.”

And this one:

From the Colonel A man who lives off his wife’s pussy is not much of a man, he’s not much of anything. Ultimately it doesn’t matter if the wife is fucking junkies for drug money or sells her fuck videos on DVDs and to cable channels, it’s the same thing. Terra sucks stranger’s cocks, goes home and kisses Evan at the end of the day, Evan can pretend to be the bad ass, macho mother fucker from Brooklyn and talk nonsense shit, but the important, undeniable truth is that he’s got the taste of a total stranger’s cock in his mouth, that taste is his livelihood , and that speaks in volumes about his character.

So the question remains…unedited reader feedback? Or moderation? One doesn’t wish to turn the site into a constant bash fest, but one also does not want to stifle voices. After all, even if you don’t agree with the sentiment, a one-line blast like the Colonel just got off would be a horrible thing to see relegated to a delete file.

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