Rog Blog: Happy Fathers Day


Rog Blog

Still No Internet, Father’s Day & DVD Extras

Time Warner: I have to say that the people I have dealt with at Time Warner during this latest internet met have been very, very helpful. Both of them were really nice and gave me a number of options. The latest is to drive down to the local office and swap out my modem. Hopefully that will do the trick, but I’m not holding my breath. If that doesn’t work then I’m going to haul my laptop down the fucking internet cafĂ© and at least get some sort of update going. Anyone have a really good high speed alternative to cable that will also work well with a wireless network all the way downstairs? I’ve just about had it with Time Warner and the mess they have been since Roadrunner took over.

Eye Candy: Video Gallery for fun. Blonde surfer girl just loves to suck cock.

Father’s Day: I have no idea if this update will actually make it live by Sunday or not, but whenever it does, Happy Father’s Day. I want to wish all of the dads out there a very, very happy day. Of course a big Happy Fathers Day to my own dad who has been a role model to me in more ways than I could possibly list here. My greatest goal in life is to one day have my children look at me with half the love, respect and admiration that I have my own father. Some day I hope to achieve that goal. I don’t generally talk about kids or friend’s kids on the site and I won’t call anyone out by name…oh yeah I will. Happy Fathers Day John Stagliano. Happy Fathers Day Robby D. Happy Fathers Day Steve Lane. Happy Fathers Day Tod Hunter. Happpy Fathers Day Paul Fishbein. Happy Fathers Day Skeeter Kerkove. Happy Fathers Day Shem. Happy Fathers Day Robert Lombard. And Happy Fathers day to everyone I didn’t just list. Now everyone please, go call your dads. If you live close enough, go rent Field of Dreams and have a beer with your old man.

Eye Candy: Going back a bit, a video clip from one of my favorite old Christy Canyon movies. Watch Christy suck Peter North’s big cock and fall in love with her all over again.

Glossary: Last week got an email about a term I used in a review. I referred to a male porn performer as part of the “Moderately Hung White Boy Mafia.” I get these emails from people asking me to explain the different terms I use in reviews quite often. Some of the terminology is fairly common and some of it is just stuff I say. Over the years I have answered so many of these emails that I always threaten to put together a glossary of porn terms. Well dammit, I’m going to do it. I’ll include my own stuff as well the usual porn terms. What I want from you is some ideas as to where to start. Any porn-specific terms that you think should be included, shoot them over. I’ll slowly add to the glossary so that people know exactly what the hell I’m talking about. Yeah, yeah it will take a lot more than a glossary to make that happen.

Eye Candy: Like older women in lesbian action? How about some action from Mommy LovesPusy.

DVD Extras: I was talking on the phone with a director this week about some DVD extras that are going to be included in future releases. We got to talking about the value of different bonus features, what constitutes a “bonus scene” and how other critics actually downgrade a DVD’s overall score based on not having BTS or “extra footage.” I actually couldn’t believe that someone would drop the score on a great movie just because someone didn’t spend extra money to have someone follow the girls around in make or didn’t include all the crap deemed not good enough for the actual movie. As most of you already know, I glance over the bonus material on most DVDs and give it a separate grade. Extra scenes move that score up. So do well done BTS reels or good commentary tracks. For my money, four Vivid scenes is more of a bonus than an hour of cutting room floor sex, but that’s just me. So I’m going to go over the bonus material items one by one in the blog, kind of give an overview on what I think they add to the mix and then open it up to you. With any luck I can turn that into a resource page and maybe help determine if I should be focusing more on certain bonus items in upcoming DVDs.

Eye Candy: If you like your MILFs doing more than veggie action, try this one from

New Sponsor: We’ve got a new sponsor on the site this month. You can see their banners at the top of the page as well as right under this little message. They also have links on the individual review pages. Give a try. The rental programs offered are quite competitive, their selection is great and they offer a fifteen day free trail. Check them out.

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