Paris Gables Needs an Exorcism


Paris Gables May Need an Exorcism

First it was reports that half the cast and crew walked off the set of Club Satan, now Extreme Associates reports that contract girl Paris Gables may need an exorcism after her experiences on set.

The dirty blonde is used to some pretty Extreme sex and figured that she was in for just another day at the office when she showed up for Club Satan. The specially constructed ritual chamber might have been a clue, but if warning bells were going off, Paris ignored them. According to company sources, the ritual was more than just set dressing and a plot device. It is said to have been specially constructed using “guidelines of the authentic black mass” and that all the demons called upon are “recognized deities of Hell. (OJ, Ryan Seacrest and Rosie O’Donnell from what I hear.) Adding to the already heavy pre-release hype, the experience was apparently more than young Paris bargained for.

“At first I didn’t really pay attention to all the stuff they were saying. I heard a couple of Hail Satans but that was about it. I was just focused on the fact that I was about to perform in my first gangbang. Then things changed towards the middle of the ritual. Something else was present. I didn’t exactly know what it was. I felt like something was watching me and waiting.” Said Ms. Gables.

Paris reports that as the evening progressed and the acts became more and more blasphemous, she felt herself lose focus and was taken to a different level of consciousness. (And apparently this time she thinks it had to do with the demons and not the….other stuff.)

“I was there but not really present. Things were happening all around me and for a few moments I floated outside myself.” She believes that something metaphysical must have entered her body at this point. It has been anything but smooth sailing for the Extreme Girl ever since.

” Since that shoot I have had endless nightmares, bad karma and a sinking feeling deep within my stomach. I see things at night around every corner and wonder if I am going even crazier than I already am. I think I need an exorcism!” she said.

Apparently Paris isn’t the only one feeling the effects of the Club Satan shoot. Others have reported similar occurrences since filming. These people allegedly won’t come forward and share their experiences. Undeterred by these other-worldly visitations, Matt Zane (Being dubbed as the originator of alt-porn so at least we know who to blame for that abomination) says “None of this will deter me from continuing to promote or be involved with this new genre.” (Genre? One movie makes a genre? If there are going to more, then I am going to have to re-think my whole alt-porn is the worst thing ever stance.)

For those who want to see more, visit IF YOU DARE!!!!!

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