Sexbot: Futuristic Novel by Patrick Quinlan

Sexbot: Futuristic Novel by Patrick Quinlan

Lifelike Sex Robots and Human Immortality Right Around the Corner, Says Novelist

“Sexbot” by Patrick Quinlan imagines dark, high-tech world “very soon.”

Breakthroughs in the areas of sex dolls, robotics and artificial intelligence will lead to super-realistic sex toys in the near future, claims novelist Patrick Quinlan. Quinlan’s latest book is “Sexbot,” a thriller about the inventor of a sex robot who is trapped inside her own creation.

“People want this,” Quinlan says. “There are men, in particular, that want women who are beautiful, agreeable, forever young, ever eager for sex, and who don’t have a lot to say. Imagine all the sex you want with none of the interpersonal mess. Companies out there are racing to bring it to you.”

Quinlan imagines that lifelike but largely motionless sex dolls like the Real Doll (made in the US) and the Honey Doll (made in Japan), will soon be wed to advanced robot technologies like the geminoid. Throw in artificial intelligence that is already mimicking the way human eyes see and how people make decisions, along with voice technology that’s widely available, and you’ve got the ingredients for a very, very realistic sexbot.

“The only thing holding it back right now is the companies that make the Real Doll and the Honey Doll have all the business they can handle,” Quinlan says. “They’re already making a fortune and have no incentive to look into robotics. Meanwhile, the cutting edge robotics scientists are getting paid by governments – governments want military applications, not sex dolls. One day soon, someone very rich, probably a Russian oligarch, will decide he wants a realistic sexbot, and is willing to pay any amount of money to have one.”

In Quinlan’s novel, Sexbot inventor Dr. Susan Jones has stumbled upon a method for downloading human awareness into intelligent machines. Recognizing the market value of immortality, the company she works for, Suncoast Cybernetics, decides to murder her.

Just before she’s killed, she successfully downloads herself into the most intelligent machine she has available – the prototype for the ninth generation of Sexbots. Now, Susan is Number Nine, dead but somehow alive, on the run from the company, and out to avenge her own murder.

Speaking of immortality, what of Russian oligarch Dmitry Itskov and his 2045 Initiative, a project that seeks to download human awareness into robots, in effect, allowing humans to live forever? Is that where the idea for the novel came from?

“In a sense, yes,” Quinlan says. “It’s an idea whose time has come. Who knows if it’ll work, but they’re going to try. Humans want to live forever. We’re afraid of dying, so we want to stay here. But it’s not for everybody. Very wealthy people will drive the search for immortality, and they’re the ones who will enjoy the benefits of it.”

“Rich people will populate their homes with Sexbots and will live forever. Regular people will live their lives with talky flesh and blood sex partners, who complain, and aren’t in the mood tonight, and spend too much money, and grow old. And after it’s all over, the regular folks will become dust and bones, just like they’ve always done.”

Sexbot is available as an ebook for Kindle, Nook, iTunes, and many other ebook platforms. It will be released as a paperback from Strawberry Books in the fall of 2014.

Patrick Quinlan is the author of seven novels, including Smoked, which received worldwide critical acclaim and was translated into four languages. He is the co-author, with film legend Rutger Hauer, of Hauer’s autobiography, All Those Moments, which was a Los Angeles Times bestseller. Visit his website

We would love it if you wrote a piece on Sexbot, and I am sure your readers would as well.

For more information, or to schedule an interview with Patrick, contact Brian Whitney at (207) 699-8540

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