Rog Blog 11/16


Rog Blog 11/16
AVN Noms, Child Stars and Horror Fest
AVN Nominations: WOW, 46 pages of nominations from AVN this week. Let’s hear it for the hard working staff who had to sift through thousands and thousands of movies to get a list this comprehensive. We can pick apart every list and come up with some good arguments for plenty of movies/stars who were left out, but let’s just give them a big round of applause for completing a monumental task. Hell, I’m looking over this list and just watching all of the nominees before voting is going to be tough. Hats of to the Mikes, Paul and everyone at the magazine for another job well done.
Brit Sex Tape Thought: So this thing is supposed to be four hours long? Who does K-Fed think he is….Eli Cross????

Eye Candy: Jonni Darkko Eye Candy #1: Jennifer Luv & Alexis Malone together. Anyone else really miss Jen?
RRFF About to Begin: Before we get to the AVN nominations, let’s remind everyone one more time that the 2006 Rog Reviews Fan Faves polls begin next Monday. You still have until Sunday night to REGISTER TO VOTE. If you don’t register you can’t vote. (Ramsey, this means you.) There is also still time to send in your nominations for the awards. All of the nominations are coming from readers. Make sure your favorite has a shot by emailing me before Sunday.

Eye Candy: More from Jonni Darkko. This time it’s Jasmine Bryne Hotter than ever.
Favorite Quote of the Moment: Please explain to me the scientific nature of the whammy. Two imaginary Rog Points for the first person who identifies that one.
Eye Candy: More Darkko. Thanks for the hot Kaylynn. She is just so damn hot.
What the Fuck?Every time I scan through the 300’s I find something that makes me shake my head. Usually it’s Keith Opersoremann, but last night it was something truly amazing. I made a stop on Fuse which I watch sometimes to check out the music videos. (Remember when MTV actually played those?) They were playing “Pants Off Dance Off” which I have seen before. For those of you who haven’t seen this program, it’s basically a bunch of regular people stripping in front of a green screen while music videos play behind them. It’s a contest of sorts and the other contestants do pop up trash talk throughout. There is no actual nudity of course, but once in a while you do get someone hot. Mostly though, it’s scary folks getting naked and dancing badly. So why was I amazed? The woman hosting the show looked oddly familiar. She said her name and I couldn’t believe it. A quick trip to IMDB told me that it was in fact the same Jodie Sweetin who starred with those Olsen chicks on “Full House.” There she is looking hot as fuck hosting this totally oddball show. I never actually watched “Full House” but one has to wonder how many people are happy to see how she’s grown up. Unfortunately Jodie isn’t doing the dancing so the show still had limited appeal.

Eye Candy: Not Britney, but Susana Spears ain’t half bad either.
Horror Film Festival: Horror film fans may want to check this out. It is a nationwide film festival featuring “8 Films to Die For” and should be at a theater near you this weekend. Some of them look really good and I would love to be able to check them out. Sadly, the fest comes at the worst possible time for me. I may be able to catch some of them on Friday, but Saturday is the USC/Cal game and Sunday is the big family Thanksgiving celebration. So I won’t get a chance to see the whole lot. Anyone who checks out the fest is invited and encouraged to send me thoughts on the movies. Hopefully they will do this again and I’ll get to go. Too much fun to miss….unless you’re missing it for an awesome college football game and loads of pumpkin pie.
Eye Candy: again, Hannah Hilton looking hot.

Ass Bag Doesn’t Like Free Speech So I’m flipping through the high 300’s on Direct TV looking for the replay of “Deal or No Deal” and I caught that dripping cunt sore Keith Olbermann for just long enough to once again notice that he is a complete fucking pussy. He’s milking his victim hood in this whole “powder letter” situation big time. (I have since heard that some had speculated that Keith might have sent the letters to himself. If that is true then can we please banish him to the “never-was” pile of TV trash right now.) Now he’s trying to blame the likes of Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin and Laura Ingram because this letter-sending dickhead is allegedly a fan of theirs. I didn’t catch the name of the whining douchebag who was weighing in next to Keith, but together they sounded like classic advocates of controlled speech with selective memory syndrome. Look Keith, this dick head who sent the letters is a nutter. He is where he belongs and should stay there for a very, very long time. But if you are going to sit there and bitch that these bloggers are creating people like this because of the things that they say then you had better take a long look at the hate-filled swill you’ve been puking out in your own desperate attempt to get noticed. Your bile is every bit as bitter as the women you mentioned and if we are going to start blaming the action of one crazy douchebag on the writings/ramblings of bloggers, pundits, hate-site owners and talentless loser talk show hosts, then we are going to have round up a whole lot of folks for just speaking their minds. Do you want to apply your whining ideas equally? Remember Keith one out of every hundred people in this country is probably a nutter. That means that there is a decent chance that one or maybe even two of the people in your audience might actually act on the hateful crap you roll around in every night. (How did this ass gasket become the hate brigade’s flavor of the month?) How about we just let free speech alone, prosecute dick heads who send fake Anthrax letters and get back to the business of forgetting you even have a show. (By the way I did find the replay of Deal or No Deal and can’t believe that NYPD guy lost that much cash.)
Eye Candy: Keith is a huge boob that sucks, but Gianna has huge boobs that rule.
That’s it for now. I have some AVN Nominations to check out and a whole bunch of smut to buy so I can view all of the nominated projects.
Private has a number of flicks nominated and AdultDVDEmpire has a bunch of great Private stuff on sale. (Porn Wars, Sex City etc) 30% off.

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