Rog Blog: May 20


Rog Blog: May 20, 2006

It’s another weekend and time to share with you some notes from laptop that I punched out during the week.

Why does everyone seem to be obsessed with running time these days? Do they really think that a movie is better at 3:18 than it would have been at 2:20. There is a whole article brewing on the evolution of this, but off the top of my head I can’t think of anything that is better just because it’s longer…..or can I?

As most of you have already seen or ready, Lisa Ann is back. Some people are apparently really excited about that, including Tom Zupko. His first project now that he’s back at Extreme features the returning star. Did you also realize that Nici Sterling is also back? She appears in “Evilution” from Evil Angel. Manuel Ferrara’s Evil debut should certainly get a boost from the return of one of the sexist British imports in porn history.

Later today I am going to add my interview with Emily to the site. She is the brand new girl I interviewed in Vegas before she even shot her first scene. So I’ve only seen her in Liquid Diet from Mark Wood. We should be seeing her in some Shane’s World titles…well some people may be seeing her in them. It seems I have fallen way out of favor with them and they may be going the “Vivid” route with me. We’ll have to see if those rumors are true.

In addition to working hard all week on another batch of reviews, I managed to get through the first third of “Da Vinci Code” which is a pretty good book. I’m not sure if I’ll get to the movie or not, but I can already see how it is going to be impossible to convey what makes the book compelling to the screen.

Thanks to a all-day power outage (Memo to SCE: When the power is going to be out FROM 9 to 4, don’t send a note saying that it may go out between 9 and 4, more than once.) I actually got out of the house and saw “United 93” this week. It’s an interesting movie with a lot of powerful emotion behind it. I loved that the script was so mundane. Instead of juicing thing up, they left it real. Think about it. None of these people knew that their lives (and in many ways, the world as we know it) was about to change. They didn’t know these would be the final conversations of their lives. (Until the very end of course.) It would have been easy to cheese it up and the movie is much better because of their restraint. Two warnings though. First, this movie may seem boring to some. It plods along in a very unique way that I found fascinating, but some may dislike. Finally, there are three groups of people who absolutely should NOT see this movie.

1. People who already have some dislike for Muslims. Though the film makers do a nice job of not over-doing the good/bad angles in this movie, it is impossible not to feel some sense of hatred towards the men responsible. Well written “bad guys” are tough, but they did a good job here. Watching this movie might stoke the fires for those with negative feelings towards the Muslim world.
2. Those who feel that we have done a “great job” since 9/11. This would include the Bush cheerleaders. Sorry folks, but this movie makes it absolutely clear that we haven’t done nearly enough on any front to combat this kind of raw hatred. Watching this movie might make you re-think your pom-pom waving.
3. Finally, the movie should not be watched by the Air America/MoveOn/Michael Moore crowd. Those of you preaching daily that we have no reason to be fighting a war on terror or who subscribe to some nutty conspiracy theory should NOT watch this movie. You will likely come out of the theater with an empty realization that no matter how much hate and bile you eat for breakfast, you can’t fight violence with roses…unless of course you want to be dead.

That’s it for today. Time to go see how much damage all this porn has done to my eyes in the past few years. Maybe it really does make you blind.

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