Weekly Pipeline: Do Ya Like It?


Weekly Pipeline: Week of March 27th

Adult News:

As usual, the contract girl news seems to come in every day. Former Vivid, JKP and Digital Playground girl Devon has inked a new deal with Black Kat. This looks like more of a web thing and I doubt we will be seeing her in a lot more movies. Stormy and Stefani Morgan have signed deals to return to Wicked respectively. Good news for both companies. Stormy has proven to be quite an asset to Wicked both in front of and behind the camera. Stefani is a real cutie who probably doesn’t get nearly enough press from Vivid. (Looks like I won’t be seeing her movies though. I think Vivid pulled me again.)

Speaking of screener lists, I got a great big box of stuff from West Coast. I’m going to make them the featured company for April so look for at least 7 WCP titles in the review rotation during the month. Hopefully that will take some of the sting out of tax season. In addition to the lack of Vivid stuff (Except for B Skow who takes care of those things personally) it looks like Pure Play has stopped sending out screeners. That means no more Seymore, Private, or any of the other companies that fall under the Pure Play banner. Sorry guys. I’ll try to make up for those titles by finding similar movies to review.

The XRCO award show is coming up next month. I’ll make the drive up for the event and just hope that things go smoothly. In the past the show has brought me face to face with pleasantly plastered porn stars, out of control directors spewing violent death threats and of course, drunken Monstars announcing to the world that I’m “over” and smacking me in the package. Hopefully this year will be more about drunken starlets who like me and less about people who want to kill me or do damage to delicate body parts.

There is new awards show in town and it’s called FAME Awards. (www.thefameawards.com) With several sources behind the new awards, including AVN and Wanted List, they should be quite successful. The actual award show will take place during Erotica LA in June, but voting for the fan-based awards is going on right now. Someone dropped me a line asking what I think of the FAME Awards recently. I think they are great actually. Letting fans vote for their faves is an excellent thing. Do I find it a little insulting that they are promoting it as the first such award of its kind? In truth, yes? I’ve been doing the Rog Awards for a while now and I believe that Den has been doing the CAVR Awards for even longer. I’m sure that it isn’t an intentional slight on the part of Wanted List, though one could ponder about AVN’s position on other internet awards. I will certainly promote the awards, encourage people to vote and vote myself. In fact I might even do a little breakdown on some of the categories. So thanks for the support you guys, but I don’t take it as a slight. If you want to help, then let’s get the registration for the Rog Awards up this year and have an even better turn out.


I added my interview with Tina Tyler (Tina Tyler Interview 2006) to the site this week. I’m also in the middle of some really long interviews that I think you will enjoy. The Mike John interview should be done by week’s end. It was a nice sit down and talks a lot about his move to Jules Jordan’s new company. I’m also about halfway through a super long Kami Andrews interview. She was great. There are nearly three hours of tape to cover on the new Lex Steele interview, but when it’s done you won’t want to miss that.

It was a fairly mediocre week for reviews with a lot of stuff that might appeal to smaller segments of the audience. The best movies I reviewed were Control 2 from Digital Playground and Short & Sleazy from Pluse Pictures. Robby D and Bryan Xin really hit it on the screws with these movies. Check out the box shot on Control 2. Could Nautica be any hotter? As mentioned next month will be West Coast Productions month so look for lots of bootilicous smut.

Outside World:

We’re only one week away from the start of the baseball season. That’s a damn good thing, especially after the embarrassing American performance in the WBC. I had the misfortune of sitting through one of those games and couldn’t have been more disgusted. The Americans didn’t even show up. It would have been more fun watching college kids play because at least they would have tried. Most of the US players swung like they hadn’t picked up a bat since October. As usual I’m going to make my picks and probably be way off.

AL: Yankees, White Sox, A’s with the Angels as the Wild Card
NL: Braves, Cardinals, Giants with the Mets as the Wild Card

Cardinals over the White Sox in six games for the title. There you go, on record. Laugh it up.


I’ve been watching the early commercials for the Democratic contenders in this November’s Gubernatorial election rather closely. The first two have been really interesting. I really liked the Steve Westley commercial until the very end. It’s a totally shallow, feel-good piece about the importance of the environment. It is also a mostly positive spot and that makes me happy. I think investing in solar energy is a very good idea, especially in California. Of course he blew it at the end with his out of place and stupid “I will fight George Bush and the oil companies” line. As usual, when you don’t have anything to run on, you go with something like this. Next?

Next was Phil Angelides. He had his daughters doing the pitch for him. Hey, that’s a nice positive ad. In fact, he kept it upbeat throughout, but blew it by making “Endorsed by the California Teachers Union” the central point of his message. Sorry Phil, but after the royal screwing that Union did to us in the last election, anyone or anything they endorse should be tarred, feathered and run out of the state. I guess they are hoping we will forget that they spent tens of millions of dollars to completely fuck working Californians and keep their monopoly on political influence. It shouldn’t shock us that his daughters tell us that he wants to lower student costs, provide college for all and hire more counselors. It is even less of a shock that he offers no clue as to how he might pay for such things. Given the huge deficit we’re still running I will give you a hint. It’s a four-letter word that starts with T ends with S and screws those who actually work for a living. Empty promises aside, it is the vile Teachers Union endorsement that tells us exactly what master he is serving If Phil is their chosen stooge then I don’t need to hear any more. So who is next?

Reader Email:

We can call this edition of Reader Email the “Where are they Now” edition.

DR Writes:

Hey Rog, do you know if Samantha Stylle is still around? Doing any more movies or that she has her own web site?

Rog Replies: Sadly I have no idea where Samantha is. We were in regular contact during the last couple of years she was in the business. She had her web site and was selling her home movies through her site and mine. Then one day she was just gone. She stopped replying to emails, letters to her mail box were returned and her site was gone. I haven’t heard from her since and as far as I know, no one in the industry has either. Sorry I couldn’t help you there.

Glen Writes:

I, like yourself, loved watching Kamiko from Behind the counter and whoriental sex academy. Whatever happened to her. Is she stripping or working somewhere??

Rog Replies: I guess I’m a big zero for two today. Kamiko’s Sin City contract ran out and she sort of disappeared. I don’t know if she is dancing or if she went home. Too bad because she was super cute and turned in some very hot scenes before she left.
That’s all we’ve got for this week folks. Please email comments and questions to me at rog@rogreviews.com

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