Football Pick Em Pool: Sign Up Today (Free & Fun)


2011 Football Pick Em Pool

Since the season starts today I am going to post these join instructions. First 17 players to join are in. Please feel free. Just be ready to make your picks every week and have fun.

We are working on some fun prizes for the winners, a video shoot, free porn and maybe we can get a female performer to donate a custom video or maybe even a fuck a fan show? Who knows.

Sign up now, don’t wait.

You are being invited to join ‘RogReviews 2011’.
In order to join, you must:

1. Register as a user at
When registering, you will choose a personal username and provide your e-mail address. When you click Join, will send you an e-mail with a password to login to the site.

2. Login to with the username you chose and the password sent to you.

3. Go to the ‘User Tools’ menu and choose ‘Join a Private Pool’.

4. Choose Pro Football Pick’em.

5. To Join the pool you need to enter the Pool’s Login Name and the Pool’s Password.
For the Pool’s Login Name type: RogReviews
For the Pool’s Password type: pornbowl

That’s it and then you’re in! The next time you login in to, you can get back to your pool(s) by going to ‘My Pools’ where you’ll see all the pools you’ve joined. Clicking on a pool name will take you to that pool. You can switch to a different pool by going to ‘My Pools’ again at any time.

To Register, click here:

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