Weekend Notes


Just a little weekend wrap up. Five things that made my weekend interesting.
USC/Cal: I got to go last week and will be at the Coliseum for the next two weeks. I guess this will be the last SC game I watch on TV this season. It just wasn’t much of a game. Watching these guy play this year is like watching someone play X-Box or Playstation. It isn’t even that much fun to watch sometimes because it’s so one-sided. OK, that’s not true. Having watched this team during some really bad years it is still fun to watch. Besides, after the big losses at the polls this week it is great to see SoCal reach up and slap NoCal in the mouth a bit. Texas looks really good as well so it looks like the Trojans and the Horns are set up for a date in the Rose Bowl for the championship. That should be a really good game. (Then again, I thought that SC/Oklahoma was going to be a good game last year.)
My Humps by the Black Eyed Peas: I’m not a big BEP fan and I’m sure I am very late to the game in hearing this track. I saw the video this weekend and I wasn’t sure if it was serious or if it was a skit. Are they serious with song? What a piece of crap. The video is just as bad, but I was under the impression that this band was supposed to be something special. “My Humps” may be the single worst song I’ve heard in a long time and if this is any indication of the “good” tracks on the BEP’s latest CD then it’s safe to say I won’t be heading out to pick it up any time soon.
Good-bye Arrested Development: OK, this pisses me off. Fox is yanking AD off of their Monday night schedule for the rest of sweeps and they have cancelled the show. I can’t believe that such a smart, funny show is getting dicked around like this. There are a few dozen shows on that a total shit and we loose something this good? They are unhappy with the ratings AD has as a lead in for “Prison Break.” Well duh. It’s not an 8 PM show and it’s the wrong thing to have a lead in for something that serious. Leave it with Bernie Mac and Malcolm in the Middle and you have a killer night of comedy. There are rumors that another network may pick it up, but it’s a bit pricey for cable networks so I think we have seen the last of this great show. I invite all of you who have not had a chance to see it to pick up season 1 or 2 on DVD. It’s brilliant.
Interviews: I have three interviews that should be up on the site this week thanks to a busy last few days. First I got a chance to do a phone interview with hot new black starlet Roxy Reynolds. (Check out her Yahoo group, she’s a cutie.) Her interview should be up early in the week and look for a review of at least one of her movies around the same time. On Friday I had lunch with Ivan and Kami Andrews, interviewing both of them. We rolled over two hours of tape between the two of them, so it may take me a few days. When they are up though, I think you will be pleased with the results. Ivan is a very interesting guy who makes some cool flicks. (His latest, “Dawn of the Head” will be reviewed this week.) Kami had a lot to say and I think a lot of you will be pleasantly surprised by this interview. I let her clear up this idea that we don’t get along and then she gives us the full story on her career, the great flick she directed (Who Let the Whores Out) and just about everything else you’ve always wanted to know about her.
Polls Almost Ready: Thanks to another week of input I am almost done with all of the fan fave fields. Since the polls start in just over a week, we’re getting this done in the nick of time. If you haven’t registered, please do so Here.
Jimmy Massey: I would ask why no one in the mainstream media checked this guy out before running with his lies, but I think we all know the answer to that. As long as you feed them bullshit that is the flavor they are looking for, they will eat it up. I don’t know what is sadder. That people will continue to quote this guy and wrongly believe his lies as facts (Interesting, no retraction or apology from moveon.org) or the fact that he is tailoring his lies to fit what some people (The Cindy Sheehan followers) WANT to be true. They want to believe that Americans are nothing but murderous thugs. There are enough good reasons to have logical opposition to the war. If you have to resort to lies like these to make your point, then you don’t really have one. This man and any organization, web site or individual who re-printed his lies or used them in any way owe the brave men and women of the military a huge apology. I wish I believed that they would have the balls required to do so. (Prove me wrong people.)

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