Peter Van Aarle….has Passed.


Word today that Peter Van Aarle has passed away has left me rather speechless. Most of you have never had the pleasure of meeting Peter have missed out. I don’t have the time to tell the whole story, but suffice it to say that Peter is one of the people who helped pave the way for sites like mine. He was a wonderful person who I will never forget.
My fondest memory of Peter was from the first time I met him. Way back when, before there were adultdvdtalk parties in Vegas and other fan gatherings, we tried for a big RAME get together. Mrs. Rog and I stood outside of the Outback steakhouse across from the Rio for thrity minutes and only one person showed up. It was Peter and though we were the only atendees that evening, I still consider it a success. We ended up walking over to the Rio and talking porn for the next three hours.
In the years that followed, I have seen Peter every year in Vegas and he has always been warm, friendly and up for a good conversation. It won’t be the same this year without him.
Seeing the emails expressing love for Peter makes me hope that when my time is up, I will be remembered with half of the affection that people have for Peter.
You will be missed my friend, missed by us all.

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