Polls Are Funny


These fan poll things are pretty funny sometimes. It seems I can’t win no matter what I do.

Last year we had horrible cheating in so many of the round that I nearly shut the whole thing down. This year, thanks to amazing work by my web master we’ve found a way to at least weed out the cheating.

It’s still there of course, there are ways to vote more than once and in each round people have done it. Each time they do it, we’re able to spot the bogus ballots and toss them out. We weed them out, usually at the end and know that we have a good vote count.

During the last round, someone added nearly 250 votes for Aurora Snow that had to be pulled out. You all know how I feel about Aurora, but I wasn’t about to let fake votes tip the scales.

A few other brackets were also changed by some bullshit votes. Best Director had one bracket that was tilted by a batch of votes that all came from the same computer in a 19 minute time span. The same batch of votes changed the Best Company race in one bracket, while closing the gap in the other.

At the end of that round, we pulled all the bogus as usual and the voting continued. Tonight I got the third angry email over the results and this one was a little chippy. I’m not posting it right now because this post should be fine. These people seem to think that someone got ripped off in the voting. They all fail to mention the other votes being taken away, but were watching a few races very carefully. I’m not saying that these angry emails came from the people doing the cheating, but it always makes me wonder when someone points fingers so quickly.

What makes me laugh is that I really don’t care who wins the fan polls. They are for the readers of this site. I wanted readers to have a voice and if you guys pick totally different people than I would, so be it. Accusations that I would fix the polls for certain companies are totally without merit. I’ve worked fucking hard to keep this site going with or without support from companies big and small.

And before this round ends over the weekend….there are bullshit ballots in this round as well. They will be removed. Before anyone bitches at me, how about turning some of the personal insults towards the people who insist on cheating. Quit bitching at me for enforcing the rules these idiots keep breaking.

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