Britney Rears In New York



HOLLYWOOD, CA ” Fast rising starlet Britney Rears currently high on the AVN sales charts, was spotted relaxing in her Manhattan hotel suite where she is set to take a bite out of the ‘Big Apple’ during an exciting week of in-store meet ‘n greets and convention autograph signing events.

The young blond is enjoying the breakout success of her debut movie ‘Britney Rears: Wild Back Stage Sex Party’ which is riding near the top of the adult charts and currently resides at #12 on the Adult Video News’ list of America’s most popular adult movies.

“Wow, that’s pretty good isn’t it?” gushed Britney when informed of her current status as a sales princess.

Requests for radio interviews and in-store appearances have skyrocketed with each passing week as Britney finds herself on a cross country tour to meet her adoring fans.

Next up is the Peek-a-Boo adult video store where Britney will meet her growing legion of fans and pose for photos at the Farmingdale location on Long Island.

Store owner Vinny Lombardo is excited to have Britney Rears visit his store. “Our customers really love this Britney movie and getting Britney Rears to come here Wednesday night and sign some autographs and pose with the fans is really great.”

Britney then moves to the Genesis Magazine booth to meet fans at the first ever Erotic Expo New York which is a three day industry and fan show in the heart of mid-town Manhattan at the Penn Plaza Pavilion starting Thursday, May 19th and running through Saturday.

“I’ll be signing in the same booth as Tera Patrick, Carmen Luvana and some other great girls, so I’m a bit nervous,” stated the dynamic teen with the perfect boobs.

The expo is expected to attract thousands of fans as New York braces for a very interesting three days of adult fun.

“Things have really been busy for me and I have been going crazy doing a ton of radio interviews and photo shoots. This past Friday, I had to wake up at 5AM as they had me doing 7 radio interviews all back to back. It’s crazy but I love this,” shrieked the porn sensation who has her very own music theme song.

Check out the exciting life of Britney Rears at

Britney’s young, fun and taking a big bite out of the big apple this week.

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