Blog: Bracket Challenge, Japan Aid & Lord of the Rings


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Rog Blog: Brackets & Redesign

I’m slowly getting back into the blogging habit. Thanks for sticking with me for so long, but as the re-launch gets closer I seem to be coming out of a fog a bit. I’ve been so busy getting the site ready to go and also working on Pipeline Multimedia with my awesome partner Tiki Pavelle that it seems the blogging is always on the back burner. Let’s see what we can pump out here real quick.

Japan: No glib blogging can begin to discuss the devastation and terror faced by the men and women of Japan. The earthquake, Tsunami and following nuclear disaster have left thousands dead, countless homeless or missing and increasing uncertainty. Clearly our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Japan right now. On a personal note, my great friend and current web mistress Natalie Dawn has been living in Tokyo for the last eight years. As things have gotten increasingly worse, she has kept us posted via twitter. (NatalieDawn17) As I write this, Natalie is on her way to the airport and will be spending a few weeks in the States, hopefully staying out of harm’s way until things pass. Here’s praying that she will return home to find everyone safe and sanity restored. As I will discuss later in this blog, I have set up an affiliate campaign that will donate a portion of all sales to the Red Cross’ effort in Japan. Read on for more details.

NCAA Bracket Challenge: Our annual bracket contest has become a fun tradition here on the site. This year, thanks to the generosity of our friends at Digital Playground, we are adding some great prizes to the mix. The Top Guns Challenge is a simple bracket contest run through the ESPN system. Just pick the winners of the 63 games during this year’s NCAA Tournament and let the points pile up. Winners will receive some wonderful Top Guns prizes including movie posters and Blu-Ray/DVD packs. The Grand Prize winner will receive a special prize package including a signed Top Guns poster, signed Combo pack and other special prizes. Playing is easy, just visit The 2011 Top Guns NCAA Bracket Challenge page. It will take you directly to the ESPN page. You just need to take two minutes to sign up for their free account and use the password “Jesse Jane” to join our bracket challenge. It’s free, it’s fun and this year you get more than bragging rights.

Charity: As part of the Top Guns Challenge I have set up special affiliate codes on all of the Digital Playground links and banners. For ever sign up that comes in do the DP sites, I will donate $10 to the Red Cross’ relief efforts in Japan. I don’t have time to change all of the affiliate codes, but if you sign up for ANY web site using links on my site during the months of March and April, email me and I will extend the same offer. People are in need and anything that we can do will help greatly.

Lord of the Rings: OK geek break. I just found out that they have finally announced that the extended versions of all three LOTR movies will be released on Blu-Ray. No date has been given, but Amazon is taking pre-orders. This is great news. I have the extended versions on DVD and got the theatrical versions on Blu-Ray for Christmas. As I write this, I’m halfway through “Two Towers” on Blu-Ray. It’s just so damn good I can’t describe

Eye Candy: Young cutie Kari Masturbating on

That’s it for right now. Please sign up for the Bracket Challenge, send good thoughts to our friends in Japan and enjoy the eye candy.

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