Reader Email


Brad Writes- “Hey Rog- I saw your birthday wish list. Not bad, but why no mention of Tera Patrick? She seems like the perfect gift.”

Rog Replies- While Tera certainly would be a tasty birthday treat, I think her recent interview with Mr. Web tells us who she likes best. If I can’t even get a comment on a new story, what are my chances?

Mr. XYZ Writes- “Hey Rog, I have written to you before under a different name so you do know me a little. I noticed that you mentioned getting press credentials to the AVN Expo in Las Vegas. Give it up man. It is not going to happen. There is no way certain people at the magazine are going to let that happen. You should know by now that you have made some serious enemies at AVN. Even the people you think are your friends are not. You aren’t doing yourself any favors by talking about it either. Watch your back.”

Rog Replies- If I know you then why the secret name? I don’t know that I have any enemies there or anywhere else, but I know I have friends.

DeGe Writes- “Hey Rog, I love the new site design, but you’ve been a little slower than usual with the reviews and other stuff. What gives?”

Rog Replies- DG Sorry about that. I’m getting used to the new format, but that is no excuse. The truth of the matter is this. I’m working through some rather serious issues/problems at home, with loved ones and working on some adjustments in my life. I love the readers of this site and am working hard, but I still have a full time job for a while and need to attend to some things here. If you will cut me a little slack, I’ll be back to full speed and then some in no time.

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