Guess Who’s Back (non-pr Stuff)


Yeah I’m back from vacation. In case you guys haven’t noticed I have added a number of reviews in the past week but the news has been a bit thin. OK, shoot me. I know there have been a lot of big stories and we will get to them all soon enough. I’m going to hit on a few here. We will just have to see how far this goes for right now.

HIV Situation: I’m not even sure where to begin with this. It is such a huge story and it just keeps getting worse. What started a month ago with Darren James has now spread to at least three other performers and the industry is still at a loss for what to do. There have been meetings, fights, accusations and calls for condoms for all US productions. In the end we have seen much finger pointing within the industry, but the most frightening reaction has been from the fans. Reading the fan comments on the web made me so sick that I just didn’t want to comment for a long time. The blatant racism and blame flying around just made me want to shut down and ignore the whole thing.

R.A.M.E. R.I.P.: No my favorite adult newsgroup (rec.arts.movies.erotica) is not officially dead, but it’s getting really close. The moderation policy has recently changed and now there are bots ‘moderating’ the group. I’m not about to bitch about the decision because moderating that group is a lot more work than I would ever volunteer to do, but it has taken just a few short weeks to see this one important group go from great source of information to worthless pile of crap. OK, that is a bit of an exaggeration, but without the mods the group has been taken over by name calling, Bush bashing, pointless rants, political paranoia, racist ramblings and off-topic slop. The bots do a nice job of keeping most of the spam out, but until they come up with a moron-filter, I will keep getting my porn news and chat on

Politics, War, Michael Moore, Berg, etc.: Nothing to say. If you want mean-spirited, name-calling, low-brow cutting and pasting from partisan web sites, you know where to look. If someone has a specific question I’ll address that, but what do you expect me to say about a video of a guy having his head chopped off? I’ll leave the “Blame Bush” or “Blame Berg” bullshit to others who get off on that sort of thing.

More stuff on more topics to come. In the meantime keep sending those questions in. Let’s see if we can crank up the level of discussion ’round here.

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